Extrait de référence des projets réalisés
1 RIFD, is system which is integrate into card and help users can bug anything by mobile. _ C++, .NET, web service. Commercial Africa, USA.
INVENTORY, is developed for manage equipments as laptop, desktop, adaptor, printer.
Web-based application, ASP.NET 2005
and SQL server 2005
RETAIN, is developed for manage schedule of each staff for audit department.
Manager can view staff's schedule and order for booking other tasks.
Web-based application by ASP.NET 2005
and SQL server 2005
EMS, is developed for manage package software for export to foreign.
Web-based application, ASP.NET 2005
and SQL server 2000
Viet Nam
5 Budget System, used to manage budget for a corporation. ASP, SQL2000, GUI, IIS, SVN Financial market Japan (Sanyo, Sony)
6 BOUSAI System, manage stave off natural calamity, disaster. ASP, Oracle, JavaScript e-government Japan
7 IVC Portal, Inherit from Joomla tool and develop to portal of xxx company. CMS Joomla Service Asia
ACPD Medical System, for Autralian Clinic & Pathology Diagnostics (ACPD)
that is a media centre of Austrialia.
Visual Basic.NET, SQL2000, Store procedure.
E-RESTAURANT, for customer to order dish online and payment online
Visual Studio Dot Net 2003 (ASP.NET)
and SQL Server 2000.
CMS-Polling, manage voting online.
Web-based application by Visual Studio
Dot Net 2003 (ASP.NET) & XML
Government of xxxx
11 ELFOW, Manage question and answer messages for a bank in daily working. Visual Studio Dot Net 2003 (ASP.NET) and SQL Server 2000 Banking India (for others country)
Store Iron and Steel management, to develop the management software package
for the iron and steel
Visual Basic and MS SQL
13 HANG DUONG, manage question and answer messages for a bank in daily working JSP, SQL2000, Apache. Banking Viet Nam
14 Sale Management, management bills import and export warehouse, payment salary for sales employee. C#, SQL SERVER 2005 Super Market Brazil
15 Real Estate, website introduce for Buy House, House for Rent…., C#, SQL SERVER & PHP, MYSQL Real Estate France
Packet Anylyzer, Replaces of the network center equipment that observes CS and CSS(*1)
is executed at PHS fixed amount Internet access service. Packet message switching machine
_ (FEP) is removed with this, and it is changed to the method that CSS communicates directly
_ with each center device (*2). Moreover, it is changed from X.25 (a part, XOT) to TCP/IP in the
_ protocol, Consequently, when generate debug and failure, message monitor point will become
_ following message.
VC++ / Windows
17 Hospital System Management, this application suport for patient management VBNET, SQL SERVER Healthcare USA
18 Annual Leave and Over time, developed for manage annual leave and overtime for staffs. ASP.NET & SQL Server Induytry Italy
19 Asset Management, manage document assess real estate C# / Windows Banking Viet Nam & Singapor
20 Center me, Interact with Google map, user choose a position at map.System can find ATM, BANK.. Around the world Drupal / Windows, Linux
21 Marketing, advert product, Interact with mobile, user can get coupon of merchants by mobile. Typo3 / Windows, Linux
22 RMI , Chat application Java Service Viet Nam
23 Mahjong game, Game on PC Java Game USA
24 Mmarketing, marketing website to marketing for bank, football,… PHP+Drupal Banking Europe
25 Agoocausedev, Introduction of Shop and Organisation and translated into 7 language Mambo/Linux e-commerce Denmark
26 Givblod, The website e-commerce Joomla / Linux e-commerce Denmark
27 MoneyVietnam, the site Stock Exchange Php / Windows Banking Japan
28 Vip Select, research record of employees ( Zend, Smarty, Doctrine / Windows Service Viet Nam
Blonblook, A web-based application. It is used to post events
as well as calendar for citizens. (Zend framework, My SQL)
PHP / Windows
Government of XXXX
Kaltool, Rich application. It is a tool helping technicians and Salesmen
to work together in international projects of magnetic or chip card.
Using .NET 2.0, XML schema.
C# / Windows
31 E-payment center, System of managing electronic transactions between selling internet sites and on-line PSP (payment service provider). Developed by Java technology (EJB, SOAP) Java / Windows Banking Switzerland
32 KstA, This is a migration project supporting a tax management. It is migrated from COBOL/DELTA to ASP.NET on Windows platform. Using .NET 2.0, MS SQL Server 2005, VS Visual Studio 2005. C#, ASP.NET / Windows Government Government of XXXX
E-Stamping, System to electronically stamp electronic tickets of the SecuTix system
(transportation and events) by using Java technology (EJB, SOAP)
Java / Windows
34 CRM, Manage customer relationship in insurance company ; using Java LEAF framework (Java bean, Swing, Oracle). Java / Windows/Oracle Insurance UK
Video/Audio conference, Enable an audio/video conference between several participants on
different locations in the internet.
C++ / Windows
36 Application Sharing, Share local application for working together between several participants on different locations in the internet. C++ / Windows, Linux
Credit Management System, system which is used to managing Credit limits of customers.
Rational Rose, .NET, SQL Server, SVN,
Oracle databases
India for others country
38 HR management, Time sheet and Pay roll, it is for Human Ressource VB6, .NET, SQL server, Crystal Report. HR France
39 RIFD, system which is integrate into card and help users can bug anything by mobile. C++, .NET, web service. Commercial USA
40 BMS, Billing management software, system for postal service. C#.Net and SQL Server Postal Germany
41 MAT, Management analysis/test system software, Build management analysis/test system software in Pasteur institute. For the report system, rights and security system, optimize database system. VB.Net, SQl Server and Crystal Report Privat Viet Nam
42 Fimexco website, Build website for e-commerce, security system, optimize database system ASP.Net, SQL Server E-commerce Viet Nam
43 RCBT, Rental Car and book tour online Ejb, struts,jsp/MS SQL2005 Commercial USA
PeachJohn System, manage back end of system and some transaction
(shopping online via mobile).
JAVA,jsp,servlet,Oracle/ Windows, Linux
45 CTS (Cargo Tracking System), Track the status (the point time, place) of a cargo shipping Java, JSP, Spring, Struts, Ibatis Technology Japan
Production System Control, Manage the Production Process information, that includes : number
of good products, defects, reworks, machine stop times for each item of one product.
C#.Net and SQL Server
Corporation Customer, This is a web application project to manage and calculate fees of
corporation customers. They use multi-service o fxxx Telecom and this system aims to group
all these services into only one unique service with one notification and one invoice for each
corporation customer.
Java, JSP, Struts, Hibernate
Middle East
Airways online ticket, Business online that's booking ticket for customers, Managing for Seller
and making flight schedule for Administrator
C# / Wed
Air lines
49 Multimedia Sharing, Website allow user share, view music,image for another user Java, Oracle database / Windows Media USA
50 SYNCMS, CMS for web of management a hospital RuBY On RAIL, MYSQL Hospital Germany
GEM300 package, Developed the system that is a set of applications and libraries that provide services for Equipment Maker to
develop GEM300 Host Communication
C++ / DCOM/Socket/Thread/Windows
New Zealand
SENSITIVE OBJECT, Developed Virtual Matrix system. The goal of Virtual Matrix is to implement the
functionalities commonly expected by a touch screen user
53 OAM, the telecom application focusing on NodeB (OAM). C++ / TELECOM/ LINUX Telecom USA
54 FTAV, Web base management tool that allow user watch Fortune-telling and Vote Java, JSP, CSV + Struts FW Government xxxx
55 Asset Management, manage the documents, equipments and asset of specified company VB.NET + IIS + SQL server Bank & Insurances France
56 CYBERWALLET, similar with paypal.com JSP Bank Danmark
GHAB-VTMS, web 2.0 application, one of three big modules of the whole enterprise application to
computerize all port terminal operations, being used now in the port of XXXX.
Java Script, JSP, EJB,
Spring Framework, Ibatis,
Xdoclet, JAXB, and Flex(GUI), ORACLE 10g, WebSphere
KPA, It's a web 2.0 application, one of three big modules of the whole enterprise application to
computerize all port terminal operations, being used now in the port of XXXX.
Java Script, JSP, EJB,
_ pring Framework, Ibatis, Xdoclet,
JAXB, and Flex(GUI), ORACLE 10g, Weblogic
RMSMaster, It is the core module of the company system, it is used by schools,
Police Station and Courts in XXXX
VB 6.0, IBM DB2, Microsoft Access
NORTH American
60 EP (Evident Property), It is a window based program, used to keep track of all evident properties for all of trails at courts, and cases of police. VB 6.0, IBM DB2, Microsoft Access Government NORTH American
TMS, used with card system (included magnetic cards, or smart card and cards readers) to manage working time of staffs and workers of manufactures and factories
VB6.0, Crystal Report, My SQL,
Microsoft Access.
62 Pro Alan, Import and export data to Excel for post office centers in XXXX .NET / Windows Government Japan
63 STS, trading securities system for stock exchange VB.NET / Windows Government Asia Stock Exchange
GRS, Port the existing MacNICU application working on Macintosh / Helix platform to Crib Notes - a Java application
which is platform-independent and support MSSQL 200x and Oracle 9
Java Swing / Windows and Macintosh
iGrasp, professional e-recruitment system of xxxx Company
ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Java Script, VB Script,
SQL Server 2005
Soda, health-care web site. The web site helps users to manage their health by taking a survey and then
_ follow many steps which are calculated based on the answers of the previous survey
C#, ASP.NET, .NET Framework 3.0, WCF, WWF, IBatis,
Spring.NET, Cruise Control.NET,
XSL/XSLT/XSL-FO, SQL Server 2005
Securities-Core Banking Connect system, § Online payment system for securities transactions between
a securities software systems and Core banking system of VBARD
J2EE, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,
XML, Struts, Ajax, Enhydra Shark Workflow Engine
Banking Security
Viet Nam
68 OSDC-COBOL, the code conversion from COBOL to Java Eclipse, NetCOBOL Service France
Auction Website, system that allows suppliers (referred to here as sellers) to use the Web to describe and
put items or services on auction so multiple buyers can place competing offers (or bids) to purchase
these items or services..
Sporting Event, The Sporting Events Application comprises a rich, web-based interface to a repository
of information about a collection of sporting events of several disparate types. It provides for entering
event details such as location Worldwide, dates, prizes, personnel, participants, and results, and it keeps
historical records of individual competitors and teams.
RichFaces, Java Persistence
API (JPA), Oracle
71 BMS, Bond Management System Microsoft Com, ASP, Oracle DB Financial Ministry Government of XXXX
72 ROSE project – Employee Performance Evaluation System for XXXX Bank Java, DB2 Banking Japan
73 IMIP, Cyber Defender with method Public-key cryptography, Biometrics PKI, Java, .Net Banking USA
74 DMS, Document Management System Lotus Script, Lotus Domino Banking India for others country
75 EIS, Education Information System PSQL, Oracle form, report, database Education Government of XXXX
76 Fujitsu, Access Japanese of horse-race information C++/CNI, Access, Xml Commercial Japan
77 Union – Car scanning system Java, JSP.C++ Commercial USA
78 IdonDemand, a web-based security : fingerprint, signature, password. To create card for users GWT, Oracle, JSP, Hibernate, C++ ONG Canada
79 Bacarat, games Game Marker Commercial
80 Zing News, Zing MP3, Zing Video, Yobanbe Sharepoint Portal 2007, Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Iilustrator, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia Flash, Swift 3D, Sothink SWF Decompile _ Games USA, Viet Nam
81 Games, Games online Flash 8, Action Script 3 Games France