Le film est disponible à la vente, à 15 €, avec les sous-titres en français, sur le blog de Joke : http://jokenyssen.blogspot.com/.
Vous pouvez visionner le trailer du film sur YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvF55Lq_2t4
Ci-dessous, le message de Joke Nyssen (que j’ai la flemme de traduire, désolé).
My name is Joke Nyssen. In April I completed my first feature documentary. STAMMERS tells the story of Jef, an 18-year old with autism spectrum disorder, who struggles with severe stammering. Together with his parents Jef made several unsuccessful attempts to overcome his speech problems. Now, years later, he decided to fight his stammering for the very last time. He is getting help from Gert Reunes, a therapist who specializes in stuttering and who struggled with his own words for over thirty years. Together they are working to improve Jef’s fluency. And now that Jef feels there is hope again, he might be able to improve in other areas of his life as well…. STAMMERS has become a film about learning to speak again, excelling oneself and the great difficulties in the will to change.
We would like this film to reach as many people as possible. Therefore it would be a great opportunity for us if Parole de bègue could put the link to our trailer and our contact info on the blog. Is this something you would be interested in?
In any case, this is what a journalist wrote after the premier:
“… Passion is the first word that comes to mind watching STAMMERS, the heart-warming portrait Joke Nyssen made - with the patience of a saint - of her brother Jef, an ostensibly incurable stutterer who, with great difficulty and equal determination, gradually learns to gain control and win himself a place in society… Two years of shooting and 150 hours of footage have been distilled into a document brimming with affection, as pure and tender as the portrait French actress Sandrine Bonnaire made of her sister in ‘On m’appelle Sabine’.” - Freddy Sartor in Filmmagie
If you would like more info about the film or the people involved, I’d be glad to help you.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Joke Nyssen