Patchs : Jutland 1.06, Elemental 1.09, Star Ruler, Making History 2 1.0.19

Publié le 05 octobre 2010 par Cyberstratege

Résumé des nouvelles mises à jour.

Naval Campaigns – Jutland 1.06

- NOTE: Version 1.06 contains updates not compatible with the 1.05 expansion and so cannot be installed simultaneously with the expansion update.
- Added Order of Battle editor ncoob.
- Added the ability to scroll the main map using the arrow keys.
- Added ability for an Objective to be a circular « Location » objective.
- Added « hollow » flag in Normal View and green name for attached flagship.
- Added Critical Ship feature which when sunk results in immediate
scenario termination.
- Change so that zoom changes using the mouse wheel maintain cursor
- Added Sea State to lower right-hand corner of Jump Chart.
- Added Collision feature.
- Added number of seconds remaining in ship picture when waiting for
air operations to complete.
- Added hot key « R » for aircraft Return to Base.
- Added ability to display distance rings in various increments.
- (Database) Added Engadine Seaplane Tender and Short 184 Seaplane.
- (Database) Added numerous German submarines and a Zeppelin aircraft.
- (Database) Added British submarines.
- (Editor) Added ability to place and remove mines.
- (Editor) Added ability to specify extra loads on a ship.
- (Shore) Optional shore data included by default plus new shores for
Coronel and the Falklands.

En téléchargement sur le site officiel.

Elemental: War of Magic 1.09

* Gameplay / Balance *

+ AI sovereigns take more care about where they are doing their attacking
+ Added code so that AIBasic is smarter about attacking units in cities
+ ‘Equipment Cache’ goodie hut now hands out cloth armor, instead of the patchwork armor that should not be in the game anymore
+ You can no longer train *groups* of Dragons, Catapults, or Giant Demons
+ New option: Players can choose not to have monsters spawn
+ New option: Players can disable minor factions
+ Loot given by monsters increased
+ Fixed bug where some AI-controlled caravans that had already established trade routes would wander off those routes while delivering their stuff at a city
+ Fixed a bug where caravan pathfinding through territory owned by anyone other than their owner would still have a penalty, even through caravans can always move freely through any territory
+ Changed dynasty kids to determine their essence based on the BASE essence of their parents (ignoring equipment, player ability bonuses, etc.) This should keep kids from double-dipping from things like player-wide essence bonuses and keep their max mana at more reasonable levels
+ fixed several armor and special ability xml issues (that were either pointed out on the forums or that I discovered while fixing others)

* Battles *

+ The starting side in a tactical battle is now chosen randomly. The attacker and the defender have an equal chance to go first. This is a short-term change. In the longer term, we are moving to an initiative system (individual units moving based on their combat speed rather than each side taking a turn together).
+ Added shorter animations for bow attacks and spell attacks
+ Fixed a divide by zero error in spell damage.
+ Fixed some logic to determine whether or not a tactical unit was moving.
+ Added code to make sure a unit cancels its destination when it skips a turn.
+ Added some additional checks to skip turn logic in tacatical battles to stop a turn from being skipped in the middle of other actions.
+ Fix to be sure ranged attacks don’t always do max damage in tactical battles.
+ Fix to experience display for battles, and fixed a bug where auto resolve was only rewarding experience for killing the leader unit.
+ The AI does not take its first turn immediately after the window loads. This will prevent cases where the AI takes its turn before the window finishes rendering.
+ Fixed a spell type tag for Quicken (now shows up in Tactical Battles)
+ Fixed an issue where a single unit might lose its mana after attacking and killing a defending team.
+ Added the UsableInBattle tag for item types, will help to determine if an item should be displayed during a tactical battle. This defaults to FALSE.
+ Items in a tactical battle will now properly stack in the UI.

* UI *

+ NEW! City List window which can be brought up via a tab on the kingdom screen
- this will list all your current cities, along with vital information about resource, training, and building being done there (ie: it’s a city spreadsheet)
+ New icons hooked up for sovereign talents
+ Got rid of trailing decimal zeros for the global resource pool tooltips, to clean up the display of resources that are always integers
+ Fixed bug where the global resources for a player didn’t refresh when a city was lost through razing until the next turn
+ Tweaked the spell info card to get the stats to show up in the grey bar at the bottom of the info card, and to support multiple text entries of varying sizes
+ Item Shop now shows change in Combat Speed, Defense, and Attack for the highlighted item
+ Message Box input field now limited to 20 chars
+ Made auto-select next moveable unit code not select caravans
+ Fixed City HUDs clipping at the end (now they all get rounded edges)

* Performance / Stability *

+ Moved clean up code around so that game within a game cleans up better
+ Fixed mem leak in Trigger Manager, city wall nodes, destination and selection cursors for destroyed objects
+ Removed code in CTreeGraphic that was causing a leak on Win7-64.
+ Fixed big leak in DecalGraphicGraphicManager where every decal in the game was leaking on Win7-64bit when starting a new game within a game
+ Fixed leak in CUnitSceneViewWindow (which is used on lots of screens)
+ Fixed random crash in kingdom screen with the filling of the Lore Book
+ Tile Designs now flush out the graphics for their « base graphic » (the one that the graphic instances use to render) once the instances for that base graphic are released
+ Fixed crash if a spellcaster ever had to cancel more than one enchantment at a time from losing 2 or more available enchantment slots
+ Fixed memory leak in UnitAnimationHelper that caused unit gfx to leak after the unit was destroyed
+ Fixed memory leak in TreeGraphic that caused tree batches to leak on game within a game or destruction of the forest object

* Bug Fixes *

+ Fixed bug where mini map would sometimes not update itself after starting a new game from within a game
+ Hooked up renaming cities and units to use events (for MP)
+ Fixed cheat flag bug where you could go into the enchants tab for any unit and cancel their enchantments, whether that unit belonged to you or not even when cheat flag was not used.
+ Fixed bug where destination cursor would disappear if the unit it belonged to was off-screen
+ Added support for Resource modifier types in unit ability bonus options to be taken into account in what resources a unit always provides, without needing to be stationed in a city
+ Fixed Bug When reload a game with Wild Shard Improvements, the game now properly relinks them to their resource hoards (fixed issue where destroyed shrines would not regenerate shard resource)
+ Fixed particle effect render order on main map screen for better visuals
+ Fixed graphical bug where mounted units in an army did not scale properly
+ CalculateAbilities now uses champions for ability modifiers (this fixes NPCs that should give bonuses but didn’t, such as ‘Royalty’)
+ Fixed bug where the NPC AI player would spawn new NPCs based off of the unit types of dynasty kids. This would cause champions wandering around with the same name, and with baby portraits if they hadn’t grown up yet.
+ Attacking cities or lone improvements while in attack cursor mode now works properly in all cases
- hooked up the cursor to change to the crossed swords at the right time for cities/improvements when one of your units is selected
+ Fixed comment in CityLevelUpBonuses.xml that caused malformed xml
+ Fixed merge error in QuestUnits.xml for Talax
+ Fixed end tags in CoreCityWalls
+ Fixed game modifiers and ending tag after Magnar_Staff in CoreSpecialWeapons.xml
+ Fixed end tag for Thumb in SpecialUnitProps.xml
+ Fixed comments in UnitSoundPacks.xml
+ note: thanks to ‘kenata’ and ‘heavenfall’ for helping us hunt down those above XML issues down and pointing us to some cool data checking tools

* Modding *

+ Tile Editor: Fixed bug where large silhouette figure would render in the middle of a tile design when placing pedestrians
+ Map Editor: when using the creature placement tool, defaults to giving the creature a random wander radius, which can be changed with the tool’s third spinner in the bottom left corner
- Also changed the wander radius 0 item to say « Don’t Wander » instead, does what the default used to do, cause the unit to not even go into auto-patrol mode
+ Added new data def type, CSpellResourceCost, which can be used in spell def xml to specify resource costs on casting a spell, as well as any persistent maintenance costs if this spell is an enchantment
- <PerTurn> tag used in the SpellResourceCost xml object to say whether the cost is deducted at time of casting (Per-Turn is 0), or if it is a continued maintenance cost that exists as long as the spell is in effect through an enchantment (Per-Turn is non-zero)
- Note: maintenance resource costs can only be per-turn if the spell is an enchantment; there’s no one-time cut to per-turn resource production from an instant, non-enchantment spell
- Here’s an example of some xml to put in a spell def, making this spell cost 5 metal immediately when cast, and having a maintenance cost of 1 material per turn until the enchantment is cancelled:
+ MODs folders now creatured for the user in their My Games/Elemental folder
+ Fixed Bug: Quests read in from XML (after loading the no longer override QuestDefIDs
+ Images and models now read in from the Mods/GFX folder properly
+ Mods are now enabled by default in Prefs.ini
+ Overlay: Implement tile upload/download

* Multiplayer *

+ Added code to prefer a random map that supports the max players
+ Cloud saving/loading enabled
+ AI opponents enabled
+ Added handling for if firewall is turned off
+ Added check for if player is disconnected before starting turn timer when the end turn is requested
+ Added check to prevent player from going to multiplayer menu if it’s still checking for an update

Téléchargement par le biais d’Impulse.

Star Ruler

[Fixed] Fixed many crashes and other issues.
[Added] Added in-game quick reference guide/manual.
[Added] Added lots of information to the research window – you can now see what’s coming up next, and what connects to what. Logged

En téléchargement dans le forum officiel (ou sur Steam).

Making History 2: The War of the World 1.0.19

New Features

Major changes to unit stacking
Land and sea units can now be moved around in regions by right clicking in the region
Right clicking on another controlled unit in a region will create a stack
Selecting a unit in a stack and right clicking elsewhere in the region will remove it rom the stack and move it
Air units will continue to stack on the airbase in a region

Add new « Repair All » nation property
When set to true on the Military Status panel all damaged units will attempt to repair each turn
Default behavior is « On »
Newly created units will now default to repair « On »

Add ability to upgrade units from the unit list panels (land, air, sea, sub)
Added ability for player to set which model will be displayed for Unit Groups on the map
Clicking on a unit in the expanded unit group panel will set the display model
Improved startup time
Improved performance
Shrink memory footprint
Change to put saves separate from the game install so a reinstall of the game won’t blow away save games
Updated Game Manual

Bug Fixes
Fix crash if game was started and waiting for an avatar with no nation
Fix rare crash bug when interacting with UI
Fixed an issue with reporting negative money from annexing
Fix annex booty bug – game was giving annexer their own stockpiles, not those of the annexed nation
Fix unit models not changing when they upgrade
Cancel AccessTicket if war is declared between the group and ticket nation
Cancel AccessTicket if group nation joins alliance at war with ticket nation and vice versa
Fix rare game stall when AccessTicket units are trying to go home
Fixed bug where if a human player didn’t join when a multiplayer game was reloaded the AI didn’t do anything for that nation
Fixed bug in mouse wheel handling that sometimes made it not seem to work
Added requirement that a unit be in supply to be able to upgrade
Fix bug in computing amount of collateral damage to do from engagements
Add non-zero weights for collateral damage to region improvements so damage will actually happen
When running a no turn timer multiplayer game on the web only suspend when no humans are connected
Scale down shots for units based on current health
Allow air units to rebase across enemy regions
Fixed bug with air unit combat values when they are on the defending side of an engagement
Fixed bug that would cause autosaves to reload with the turn ended but not ending
Fix for nation getting referenced and not going away after rebelling and getting conquered during a single end turn

Improved texturing on map
Lowered transparency of mapview layers for Supply
Fix issue with units being placed too near the borders of regions
Improve unit positions in mountains
Fixed a number of places where units and region improvements were overlapping cities
Add missing land defense column in Unit list page
Improved quality of decal and flag textures on the map
Adjusted text sizes in Financial panels
Fix display names for rivers
Adding sorting to the military report panels for air units, army units, naval units, sub units and world nations
Fix missing border between Jaghbub and Farafra
Suppress the display of the « Exit to Desktop » Main Menu option when started from web
Resized text on Region & City Selection Panels
Override ESCAPE key handling and only go to windowed mode if the game was launched from the web
Fixed sea regions not using all positions for unit groups
Fixed RC menu to only give set merge order option if unit groups are of the same branch and have the same controller
Don’t offer RC option to bombard your own or your allies cities
Fixed bug that sometimes resulted in blank tooltips on units
Don’t send a « unit destroyed » notification when a 1 use missile is used
Fix error in unit lists when displaying units on transports
Fix error in unit lists when displaying air units on carriers
Added notifications for city and research building damage from missile attacks
Added smoke animation to cities with damaged buildings
Add ability to decide whether newly produced units in a region will join existing unit groups or create new ones
Ocean shader tweak to fix decal and move arrow glitch at coast
Made all default build displays look like a normal goods order is queued
Changed region projects list to prevent icon from overlapping project name
Defaulted research tree zoom level to fullscreen
Stop sending collateral damage notifications to all nations
Make field for trade balance amount in Nation panel wider so it fits

Tune behavior of difficulty levels
Update relations behavior when nations declare war
Improve sea invasion behavior
Added more detail to trade responses, including check for embargoes by third party
Added AI reaction to ships it sent to interdict trade being sunk
Improved use of World Market to obtain resources needed for build orders
Fixed bug that caused AI not to build Textiles/Appliances/Autos as much as it should
Improve logic for sending air units to support engagements
Improve logic for sending air units to defend against bombing
Improved logic for deciding to build air units
Increased priority for building AA defenses
Improve logic for when to build specialty units (like Airborne Infantry, Carrier Planes)
Added a couple of strings for AI canceling an import agreement
Added TradeAI check for AI to cancel or reduce an import agreement if it has too much
Fix for research AI not always choosing best composition element to research
Add PathFind filter for navy to avoid enemies
Fix for AIPlanSeaInvasion switching compositions after a fleet was already in route (cause of AI Stall)

Added missing Historical Region claims for Libya
Modified some terrain types
Added upgrade tracks for most units
Balanced upgrade costs data
Fixed some research errors
Balanced artillery combat values
Fixed a number of incorrect unit display names
Fixed a number of duplicate unit display names
Tune IPU costs of submarines
Increased attack power of ShortRangeSubmarines
Removed DeepDefense from USSR completed research in LDOP
Updated initial completed research for LDOP
Added new model for Nuked city
Tuned escort ship properties to more clearly define their roles
Lots of cleanup in the Encyclopedia — added maintenance cost to city and research buildings, added IPU cost to Units, reordered data to be consistent across categories
Gave Germany a VehiclePlant and an AircraftPlant in BFW
Gave Japan research for Early Tanks in LDOP
Gave Germany an AircraftPlant in TGQ
Add research to bring Germany/Italy/US/USSR up to BiPlanes in TGQ
Gave WarIndustries research to Germany and Japan in BFW
Gave InfantryWeapons3 research to Italy in LDOP
Changed Tripoli region location to Tripolitania
Fixed content to generally not give nations units they have not researched yet
Fixed data error that made Fish Products unprofitable (was not suppose to use oil, just food)
Tweak costs of carrier planes a little higher to separate from non-carrier planes
Fixes/balancing to air unit properties to more clearly distinguish roles
BFW – added research for Italy to produce EarlyFighter/Bomber
LDOP – backed up air units to not exceed starting research
Fixed default nation descriptions for BFW and LDOP (they were reversed)
Fix swapped properties for Light Carrier and Escort Carrier

Fixed display of nation names for nation lists
Allow user to choose location for saved games
Added beta testers to credits

Téléchargement automatique par le biais du jeu.