Patchs : Empires of Steel 1.01.13498, Mount & Blade Warband 1.132, Les Settlers 7 1.10

Publié le 05 octobre 2010 par Cyberstratege

Résumé des dernières mises à jour.

Empires of Steel 1.01.13498

Notable Changes and Fixes:
- Fixed some bugs with the AI
- Generalized the city-improvement/airfield-improvement costs, so they can cost any combination of resources (instead of just production and iron)
- Rules Editor: Double-clicking on a unit, city-improvement, or airfield-improvement in the list goes to the ‘edit’ page
- Reduced Turn-Processing time by approximately 40%
- Fixed an AI bug: the AI could go to war against teammates.
- Fixed bug: could not set ground/sea rally points that end in cities/airfields/resources
- Update to the AI: the AI more likely to declare war on players who are at war with their allies and teammates
- Fixed Bug: Ongoing Trade Agreements can’t be ended if a trade agreement is started, the game is saved, loaded, and then the player tries to end the trade.
- Fixed Bug: Sometimes aircraft would not takeoff due to an apparent shortage of oil
- Fixed Bug: Sometimes trade agreements would spontaneously be cancelled due to an apparent shortage of resources.

Mount & Blade: Warband 1.132

Some multi-player map fixes.
Some armor stats have been rebalanced.


Quests fixes:
Aborting quest bugs have been fixed.
Ordering your lords to stop script error bug has been fixed.
Pretender quest has been fixed under the condition of already having a village/center before starting the quest.
Caravan escort quest script error has been fixed.
Deal with looters quest script error has been fixed.

Other fixes:
ATI driver fix.
Achievements « last man standing » and « morale leader » have been fixed.
Non-ending battle/siege bugs have been fixed.
Desertion of prisoners when party morale is low bug has been fixed.
Hold fire/use blunt weapons orders have been corrected, player agent no longer changes his/her weapon because of the order.
Formations not looking at the enemy bug has been fixed.
Automatic offline favorite server removal is added.
TCP protocol optimizations are made for dedicated servers.
Various other bug fixes.

En téléchargement chez Tale Worlds.

Les Settlers 7 1.10

Les joueurs seront maintenant informés si un joueur lag lors du chargement d’une session multijoueur
Les joueurs dont la connexion sera coupée pendant plus de 45 secondes pourront maintenant être kické par vote

Bugs corrigés
-freeze rare qui survenait lors de la conquête d’un secteur appartenant à un autre joueur ou à l’IA
-la tour qui ne pouvait pas être améliorée sur « la Bataille pour Tanholm »
-le secteur de « Grassland Mesa » qui n’était pas accessible jusque là
-problème de sauvegarde de partie dans la première carte de la campagne
-problème de connexion du jeu à Facebook
-bug rare qui corrompait l’attribution des points de victoire « Pacifiste » et « Ascète »
-crash rare qui corrompait les sauvegardes de jeu

En téléchargement depuis le site officiel.