Dawson College Massacre est un jeu-vidéo scandaleux, mais ce n'est pas le dernier
Dawson College Massacre est un jeu-vidéo en ligne disponible sur le site Newgrounds. Si j'en parle, c'est que ça me dérange et parce que je me dis que de nombreux jeux anodins ne profiteront jamais d'une telle visibilité parce qu'ils ne sont pas assez provocateurs. Aussi, je prédis une hausse de ce genre de jeux éthiquement douteux d'ici les prochaines années, d'autant plus que la tendance globale indique une proportion non-négligeable de jeux-vidéos violents, gore et réalistes ayant un grand succès.
Une provocation qui crée le buzzUn scandale annoncé. Une plateforme de jeux-vidéos en ligne accessible gratuitement qui captive déjà l'intérêt des joueurs. Une plaie non-cicatrisée: celle de la fusillade au collège Dawson. Un engouement médiatique prévisible:
Le jeu avait tout les éléments pour créer le bouche-à-oreille très rapidement.
Un message perdu dans le médium ou pasCe jeu est bien entendu fortement inspiré d'un autre jeu, issu d'une autre tuerie dans une école, à mon sens beaucoup plus intéressant d'un point de vue anthropologique, et tout aussi scandaleux, Super Columbine Massacre RPG que je considère comme une forme d'art avant-gardiste contemporaine, brutale et pertinente en raison de sa fin moralisatrice, mais bien entendu dérangeante. À ce propos, voici les intentions de l'auteur de ce jeu:
Je suis scandalisé et ça en prend beaucoup pour me scandaliser. Je pense aussi qu'on n'a pas fini d'entendre parler de ce genre de jeux qui mettent en scène la violence en faisant référence à des faits réels. Il serat utile d'ajouter une mention " 18 ans et plus " ou " Rated R " pour ce genre de jeu. Ce seait un minimum.
Je pense par ailleurs que ce rapport du virtuel au réel est un filon à exploiter en art contemporain, mais d'un angle beaucoup moins dramatique.
via Dany Paquin via Gina Desjardins
Voici les commentaires de l'auteur du jeu, virtuaman, dont l' avatar à saveur satanique deviendra peut-être légendaire :
When I began creating this game I really had no idea that it would offend so many in such a way, as it was not my intentions. I figured a small group of people would actually be angry over this, it turns out that I was very wrong.
This event has obviously made a huge impact in our society for so many, yet so many others told me they never even knew this shooting existed before they played this game. It brought to their attention that school shootings do happen EVERYWHERE. For a long time it was a common misconception that school shootings were an " American problem. " This is not the case anymore. Now we are all at risk of being involved in one of these situations, we should all feel as a community that we do need to be educated about these things, we need to bring attention to them, and my game has brought a lot of attention.
I do not expect my game to teach cops how to take down a shooter, or teach civilians how to spot someone that is homicidal and suicidal. I do however think the game does expose you to Gill's state of mind and some of his thoughts and feelings he had before the attack. It was not done to glorify Gill as a shooter, it was done to try and better understand these shooters, more for myself than anyone else.
Releasing the game online I was not expecting it to cause any sort of uproar or controversy because the other games had come out and I figured to world had " got over " that fear of something new that crosses the line in this manner. I was not keeping in mind that Canada had not had a game made about one of its massacres yet. The game has, however, caused many people to become " hurt " and angered over this game, which was not it's intention and I do apologize deeply for it having affected you so strongly.
What was going through Gill's mind? Why did he do what he did? How did he plan for this incident? what if his parents caught him? What was it like? What did it look like? What did it sound like?...I tried to answer all of these questions and the only way I could think of experiencing them was through a game. So I made it, I thought it was ok and I didn't feel personally offended so I released it.
In the end I can see that Montreal is most angry with this games existence and at me for creating it. For that I can only say, it is only a game, it was not created with the purpose of offending anyone specifically, it was not created to make money(I never received and never will receive money for this game.), it was created to bring attention to the reality of school shootings, it was created to explore an area that is unexplored, it was created to teach others that this is what happens in a school shooting. Why? Because damn near all of you are in a college or high school and you should be educated about such things.
I remember statements from the 2006 incident saying how students " Watched as Gill unloaded guns from his trunk in plain view. " They stated how they thought it was " a joke " or something for a " school project ".......A trench coat wearing gunman unloading guns from his car at your school isn't a JOKE or a SCHOOL PROJECT, he is what this game demonstrates, hes a man who went down a path that lead him to your school to fire without targets at random, brutal, quick, deadly, heartless, and with only the intent to harm as many people as he can before he dies. I hope the game shows this is true.
In 2007 a teacher went to try and " talk " another school shooter out of what he was doing, the shooter shot her dead heartlessly, he is just out on a kill spree to get as many kills as he can before the end. There is no convincing them to stop, to drop their weapons, to surrender, to not pull that trigger.
I think there are things to be learned in this game, although it does offend people.
I am sorry for any pain the game has caused, but I do not think this game will be removed from the internet.
Take Care.
-VirtuamanPS-I originally wrote: " Have fun! " at the end of my statement,it was relating to columbine. I guess I should have figured nobody would understand
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