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Curriculum vitæ, in English

Publié le 14 septembre 2010 par Lbloch
Curriculum vitæ, in English

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Curriculum Vitæ

Curriculum Vitæ

Laurent Bloch
51 bis avenue de la République
75011 Paris – FRANCE

Born in 1947
Nationality : French

e-mail :

office :

home :

phone : office : +33 1 44 05 49 37

home : +33 1 43 14 04 55

mobile : +33 6 03 12 16 97


Fields of competence

  • Certified as Lead Auditor ISO 27001 (Information security management systems).
  • Information Systems management, IT in R&D; context, consulting.
  • Internet, TCP/IP, computer networks, IT security.
  • Computer systems, Open Source, Linux.
  • Civil Service, public markets.

Paris-Dauphine University

[2008 — ](Paris-Dauphine University)

Chief Information Officer

Paris-Dauphine University is a small but renowned university oriented towards Economics, Management, Mathematics for the Decision Sciences, and Sociology of the Organizations. Its Math department got one Fields Medal for a member of the faculty (1994), one for a former student (2010), and one Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize for a member of the faculty (2010).

As a CIO reporting directly to the President of the University, I am in charge of the definition and of the realization of the Information System, and of the IT staff and infrastructure as well.

Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale

[2001 – 2008] (INSERM)

Head of Information Systems Security

INSERM, the French counterpart of US NIH or UK MRC, is a quite big research institute, involved il all fields of medical and bio-medical research. With a staff of 13 000 researchers, engineers, post-graduates students, physicians, post-doctorates and administrative clerks, INSERM has about 500 research units and labs.
With my team, I'm in charge of Information Systems Security for the whole INSERM. Our role is to define Information Security Policies, to popularize them among the researchers and other staff, and to enforce them.
These tasks encompass scientific and technical surveys in the field of IT security, audits on the field, i.e. in the labs, experiments and tests with systems and software, organisation of courses in IT security and security management.
These activities led me to write three books : “Les systèmes d'exploitation des ordinateurs” (Computer Operating Systems), published in 2003, “Systèmes d'information, obstacles et succès” (Information Systems : obstacles and success), published in 2005, and “Sécurité du système d'information” (Information System Security), to be published in 2006, all by Vuibert, Paris.

Pasteur Institute

[1991 – 2001] Institut Pasteur

Head of Scientific Computing

  • In 1991, when I joined Pasteur Institute (3000 persons on the staff, among them 1200 scientific researchers, 1 billion French Francs or US $ 150 millions of annual budget), it was lagging in the field of computer science and computational biology. There was no network, the computers and systems were outdated, the computing staff dispersed.
  • I recruited high level computer engineers and scientists (17 persons), introduced Unix and modern scientific software and managed the building of a 4000 nodes campus network.
  • We set up training sessions in computer science and computational biology for biologists, including graduate level courses in partnership with Paris 6 and 7 Universities. Biological software development and algorithmic research are current activities of the team. The Pasteur WWW site was set up in 1993, with an international scientific reputation.
  • In order to keep up with the best research labs worldwide we assessed and implemented leading edge (at the time !) technologies, as Java, Corba, XML, 3-tiers networking.

A detailed description of these activities may be read in a Report written at the time.
Besides managing the team, my personal activity included teaching (especially, teaching programming and algorithmic to biologists), scientific and technical surveys, consulting for Pasteur teams and young biotechnology firms spin-off from Pasteur Institute.
My teaching activity led me to write and publish a textbook : “Initiation à la programmation avec Scheme”, Paris, Technip.
My team played a prominent part in creating and distributing free software, especially but not only in the field of computational biology.
The total budget I was in charge of was around 13 millions FRF (2 millions Euros), 8 millions FRF (1.22 million Euros) being for the staff expenditures.

Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

[1988 – 1991] (CNAM)

Director of the Computer Laboratory

CNAM is an University for people already engaged in professional life, like the Open University in England. The Paris site has 55,000 students and 400 faculty members. The Computer Laboratory is in charge of providing them with computers, network and software. This lab played a major role in the introduction of Unix and Internet in France, but when I joined it, the previous director left two years earlier, the staff was demoralized and the systems obsolete. I had to rebuild and modernize, especially the campus network, and to restore the staff. I did it.
Working at CNAM was a great opportunity for me, as I was working with researchers in the fields of computer systems and networks. It gave me a deeper, theoretical point of view, which supplemented usefully my engineer vision. There I became a more experienced teacher, too.

Fnet association

[1992 – 1994]

Vice-chairman of a non-profit organization

The Fnet association was created in 1992 as a non-for-profit ISP, in fact the first ISP in France. With the fast growth of Internet activities, it soon became a business. I didn't join this business, but worked for its creation, and later for its incorporation into the European consortium EUnet, which was finally bought by the American corporation Qwest to become KPNQwest.
It may look as a hobby, but in fact this experience was a tremendous opportunity : to learn Internet technical and economical machinery and to participate in the creation of an international business.

Institut National d'Études Démographiques

[1981 – 1988] (INED)

Head of Computing Department

INED is a small but famous research Institute with 220 staff, among them 80 researchers in various fields, from pure theoretical statistics to sociology and medicine. Computer science plays a prominent part here for statistical data analysis. When I joined INED, I had to create an internal computer center and a network (previously the computing was made outside). It has been my first VAX experience, and my first Ethernet network. I introduced modern statistical software, such as SAS.
At INED I got the opportunity to work with researchers from various horizons, and to become familiar with social sciences problems.

[1979 – 1981] Economic and financial administrations


  • Place : Commission for the Development of EDP, Department of Economy and Finances.
  • While at the INSEE, a division of the French Department of Economy and Finances, I was involved with the Commission for the Development of Electronic Data Processing. I was expected to examine the Data Processing projects of the financial administration. It gave me a good understanding of this crucial part of the French government and some experience in high level negotiation and contact.

Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE)

[1972 – 1981] System Administrator

  • INSEE is the French statistical government office. My job there was mostly technical : operating systems configuration and set up (in IBM large systems environment), networking. I've been the first to introduce time sharing at INSEE in 1972.
  • Apart of these technical tasks, I was involved in hardware and software choice and commercial negotiation.
  • First experiences in teaching programming (PL/1, 370 Assembler, Pascal) and hardware principles.

[1969 – 1970] Programming of statistical applications.

Learning to program.

Other experiences


  • Several study travels to United States : attendance at DECUS and Usenix conferences, visit to some industrial sites.
  • Several missions as expert in countries in Africa and the South Pacific : Ethiopia in 1987 as United Nations advisor. Senegal, Madagascar, Burkina-Faso and French Polynesia for Pasteur Institute.
  • Incorporating non-profit association Fnet into an European business with branches in eighteen countries (now KPN-Qwest).

Electronic typesetting

I've been involved with electronic typesetting problems of different kinds, so I've acquired an reasonable expertise in the field, without being a professional typesetter.

[1996 –] Linux

Since 1996, I've been a daily user of Linux, at work and at home. I have therefore social relations in the free software movement.

[1971] Military national service

Initial education

  • 1965 : Secondary school examination, with major in Mathematics, Lycée de Poitiers.
  • 1965 – 1967 : Mathématiques Supérieures, Mathématiques Spéciales.
  • 1967 – 1969 : École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique (ENSAE). This school teaches an university level in statistics.

Languages, other

  • English : read, written, spoken.
  • German : read.
  • Russian : elementary level.
  • Hobbies : programming, Taiji–Quan, skiing, mountain hiking, movies...

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