Magazine Science

A la recherche de l antimatière dans l espace : départ de AMS-06 vers son aire de lancement

Publié le 12 septembre 2010 par 000111aaa

LA RECHERCHE DE L ANTIMATIERE va se poursuivre dans l espace

Le CERN vient de nous avertir   qu il a fini de préparer l’engin AMS-02 et qu il l expédie à la NASA pour le propulser dans l espace

I l a fallu un avion spécial pour le contenir et le faire changer de continent

Je vous en donne les photos   et le principe( mes photos ne sont pas excellentes et je vous les compléterai en commentaires)


Voici en anglais l’explication officielle des objectifs

“Cosmos is the ultimate laboratory, where cosmic rays can be observed at energies higher than any accelerator. AMS-02, the first large magnetic spectrometer to be launched in orbit, will use the unique environment of space to advance the knowledge of the universe and to contribute to the understanding of its structure and origin by searching for the missing antimatter, by exploring the origin of dark matter and by measuring with the highest accuracy the composition of cosmic rays in the multi TeV region of energy. In addition, it will search for strangelets, a possible new form of matter made out the so-called strange quarks.





Experimental evidence indicates that our galaxy is made of matter; however, there are more than 100 hundred million galaxies in the universe and the Big Bang theory assumes that equal amounts of matter and antimatter were present at the origin of the universe. Theories which try to explain the present matter antimatter asymmetry are not compatible with other measurements. Whether or not nuclear antimatter still exist in the universe is a fundamental question in modern astroparticle physics and cosmology. The observations of just one antihelium nucleus would provide evidence for the existence of large amount of antimatter somewhere in the universe. In 1998, AMS-01 established an upper limit of 10−6 for the antihelium/helium flux ratio in the universe. AMS-02 will reach a sensitivity of 10−9, three orders of magnitude better than AMS-01, hugely extending the volume of the Universe which can be tested for the existence of primordial antimatter.”

EN CLAIR IL S AGIT DE DETECTER DANS LE RAYONNEMENT COSMIQUE   tout ce qui serait susceptible de représenter des formes d antimatière

Je ne vous cache pas que je ne crois guère a la présence de particules anti –alpha ( des noyaux d anti hélium ) mais j ai peut être tort !

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