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Live from NYC # Manhattan : Bryant Park/5th Ave. (scoop inside) @)

Publié le 31 août 2010 par Missfashion

*Those who are following my activities on Twitter already know what I did today (thanks to the free WiFi quite everywhere in NYC) @)

For those who don't, here is my itinerary from Bryant Park to 5th Ave.

From Brooklyn, after a very good breakfast in a cute garden at Sweet Melissa (I will write a note later on this place), I took the F train to Manhattan (only 15 minutes from the flat in Brooklyn!) and stopped at Bryant Park (the first I discovered in 2007, my first visit here). I love this quiet park located a few minutes from the 5th Avenue!

30 août 2010 (54).jpg

30 août 2010 (46).jpg

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