
In memoriam

Publié le 13 août 2010 par Ivanberaud
De retour de vacances, les nouvelles ne sont pas nécessairement toujours bonnes. Ci dessous l'extrait du blog d'une voisine de Nelee Langmuir décédée pendant ce mois d'aout 2010. Il n'y a rien à rajouter, je n'y rajouterai donc rien.
"Before we leave, we must say goodbye to our good friend and neighbor of 40 years, Nelee Langmuir. During the Second World War, Nelee and her sister were among the" hidden children," sheltered by brave French citizens from the occupying Nazi's. After the war, she was reunited with her parents, coming to this country. Her second marriage was to Gavin Langmuir, a medieval scholar, our neighbor and a colleague of Van's. Until retiring fairly recently, she taught French at Stanford. Gavin died a few years ago, a grievous loss for her, which she bore with her usual grace and courage. Two weeks ago, she received a clean bill of health, with no evidence of the breast cancer she had suffered previously. Shortly after, experiencing unusual back pain, another galloping cancer was discovered which will very likely take her life before we return on August 20th. When I called to lament my sense of loss, she said, "Well, yes, but I'm getting lots of help... now, how are you?" She is so remarkably balanced - sensitive and sturdy, always interested in and helpful to others, at the same time tending well to herself. It is hard to see such a bright, spirited light go out."
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In memoriam

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