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Lucky charms : collier céramique pour Belle au bois dormant

Par Thomas Ka

Réalisé à partir d’un service à thé par le studio de design Demakersvan, ce collier de céramique blanche n’est pas sans rappeler aussi Alice au Pays des merveilles…

luckycharm0002 Lucky charms : collier céramique pour Belle au bois dormant   Céramique Design & Moderne

Even in these times silver tableware is shown as a centerpiece of the house, more than a functional object. As the cupboard’s jewelry, it’s put in a nice spot, polished now and then and put back again. The Lucky Charms are a ceramic centerpiece that expresses that fragile balance between centerpiece and functional object.It is perfectly usable..if you break the chain.

luckycharm0001 Lucky charms : collier céramique pour Belle au bois dormant   Céramique Design & Moderne

The pieces can be individually combined to make a smaller or larger chain and assemble your own collection of tableware.

material: ceramics
size: actual table-ware
photo: Joost van Brug – Art Director / Photographer


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