Patchs : Disciples 3 1.06.2, HoI 3 Semper Fi 2.03, DoW II Chaos Rising 2.3.1, Starcraft 2 1.0.2

Publié le 07 août 2010 par Cyberstratege

Récapitulatif des dernières mises à jours.

Disciples 3: Renaissance 1.06.2

* Fixed issue with arena interface skill icons unintentionally disappearing
* « Extra Attack » skill no longer grants a second attack or action while covering
* The game is now saved into the user’s folder My Documents/My Games/Disciples III, allowing for users without Administrator rights to more easily save their games. Current saves will automatically be moved to the new folder
* Dexterity boosting potions now work correctly
* Pressing the « Quick Combat » button again allows players to halt a current Quick Combat battle
* Unit information during auto-combat will no longer be displayed
* Removed the ability to use skills, defenses or engage in combat while currently moving on the battle arena
* Issue fixed: melee units that approach targets but did not attack
* Issue fixed: on the hero management screen, the hero properties button was blocked, but not grayed out
* Issue fixed: in the « Hire » interface, the unit skills were not displayed in the unit information window
* Button « Disband Unit » now works similarly to the « Heal » button – first the unit is selected, and then the Disband button can be pressed

Hotseat Mode Fixes

* Issue fixed: inventory of the defending party could not be opened in Hotseat mode.
* Issue fixed: In Hotseat mode, when the defending party is victorious, « Defeat » is mistakenly displayed, and « Victory » is displayed if the attacker has won
* The Hotseat options have been fixed
* Fixed: defending side could not use skills in hotseat mode.
* Issue Fixed: The display of fog of war after using Alt+Tab
* Fixed: if one player has researched a spell, no other players could research spells during the same turn
* Fixed: if a map is restarted in hotseat mode, spell research is unavailable during the first turn
* Units will no longer gain experience while moving on the map
* The city guardian in a town can no longer be swapped with a unit in the visiting hero’s party

1.06.1 changes included in the patch:

* Fixed: user can no longer control enemy cities
* Fixed: in the tutorial player is able to enter town which is not his yet
* Resolved various achievement issues
* Fixed: loading screen not in full screen on large monitors with 16:10 aspect ratio
* Fixed: several skills descriptions
* Fixed: several text spills in info boxes

En téléchargement sur le forum officiel (n.b. : compatible avec la la VF).

Hearts of Iron 3 Semper Fi 2.03

Patch notes:
- Nationalist China no longer allied to Guanxi Clique and Shanxi
- Reduced damage to CAGs (AIR_COMBAT_CAG_ORG_DAMAGE_MOD and AIR_COMBAT_CAG_STR_DAMAGE_MOD in defines.lua)
- Gave Germany some interceptors in the 1941 bookmarks
- Fixed some stray pixels in the provinces.bmp file
- Added morale increases for infantry to Land Doctrine (Mass Assault)
- Added morale increases for Mtn, Par and Mar to Land Doctrine (Integgrated support)
- Added morale increases for Militia, Garrison to Land Doctrine (Large Front)
- Fixed an issue so AA brigades have terrain penalties in line with other land units.
- Added a small increase to AA brigades air attack.
- Re-added the Swedish and Finnish leadership that was present in v1.4
- Fixed an issue with Soviet planes in the 1936 scenario in a province with no airfield
- New Lua AI scripts (i.e. the non-military AI)
- Convoys should no longer ship either fuel or supplies when none are needed in the area
- Fixed an issue with frequent setting up and cancelling of AI convoys (added a delay)
- Fixed a crash in Clausewitz with certain GUI elements (OverlappingElementsBox)
- Adapted to the latest Clausewitz version
- Optimized unit removal from AI agent hierarchy for speed
- Fixed a crash when units loaded on ships were deleted
- Fixed an incorrect tooltip for threat
- Province control is now more dependent on which ally actually borders it, even for faction-less allies
- Fixed a crash with deleted units not always being removed from CAIUnit cached lists, which could cause crashes with the invasion response check
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading save games with weird province modifiers (from a different mod or something)
- Fixed a crash with unit plan min forces not always being initialized correctly
- Fixed a crash that could occur for AI CAGs with a null base
- Fixed a crash bug with unit deletion if loaded on planes
- Units loaded on planes are now properly deleted if the plane is destroyed
- Removed the point of sea attack from CVLs
- Fixed a bug with Sea Zone 11446 being in the Mediterranean region
- NAP rules now change with 6 month intervals, down from 9
- Unit AI: Fixed an issue with strategic air bombing only picking one target
- Changed the strategic bombing order to stop targetting provinces below 1 IC immediately.
- Naval AI: Rewrote ASW to use patrol orders instead of the useless convoy escort order
- Naval AI: Prio on patrolling provinces around attacked convoys
- Tech view tooltips don’t overlap
- Unit visibility more consistent
- 3D missing collision objects can now be selected
- Minor memory leaks removed
- Unit AI: Fixed an issue with the creation of new Corps HQs for garrison divisions
- Fixed a probable cause of crashes with deleted convoys in owner areas
- Added a tooltip for when paratroops cannot load due to low org
- Added some safety checks on reload pertaining to units with no location
- Initial model submarines are now much worse at convoy attacks, but the gain from torpedo tech is higher
- Small Warships ASW tech now provides a bit more detection
- Convoy escorts now dish out a lot more org damage to raiders, and a bit more strength damage
- Resource needs reported differently to the lua.
- Unit AI: Snappier re-checks of temporarily blocked straits
- Invasion AI: Fixed an issue where it would go brain dead if the country no longer has access to the current staging province
- Fixed the bad naval base position for province Pärnu
- Corrected VPs in Tibet
- Fixed the trigger for the General Winter Strategic Effect
- Fixed a bug with intra home area supply convoys
- Fixed a bug with automated HQs below Theatre level suddenly deciding to defend the whole theatre front
- Tweaked infrastructure in America
- More Urban Terrain provinces added
- Location fixes
- Russia has more leadership
- Vorenezh river corrected
- New Lua AI scripts
- Slightly decreased the impact of convoy raiding on national unity
- Removed the naval base position in Strasbourg, so the province is no longer erroneously coastal
- Fixed a bug with the call to arms dialog not being shown when clicking on the icon
- The American ministers Wendell Willkie and Charles McNary are now properly Republicans
- Fixed a bug with AI counts of serial production constructions
- Major increase in fuel and supply consumption of armored and mechanized brigades
- The repulsion factor of diplomatic influence is now scaled by relative IC, if the government ideology is alien to the faction ideology. (_ADEF_REPULSION_IC_FACTOR_ in defines.lua)
- Added some Soviet garrison divisions in the OOBs
- Unit AI: More emphasis on garrison of very high VP provinces and supplier province, even if they are in a front
- Fixed the bug with changing a Law resetting brigade upgrade cost & time
- Fixed some localization issues with the German text
- Fixed the bug with a unit finishing construction resetting brigade upgrade cost & time
- Drastically improved the effects of the naval tech ‘smallwarship_asw’
- The Game will now start with German Language (some bad lines in SemperFi.csv)
- Increased the alignment drift of government ideology from 1.25 to 2 (IDEOLOGY_WEIGHT in defines.lua)
- Tweaked the OOBs to ensure better sorting of submarine models
- Invasion AI: Fixed an issue with locking up due to an invalid naval path between the fetch point of an army and the staging province
- Invasion AI: Improved army fetch port checks
- Added back a lost fix to units getting stuck in neutral territory
- « Exiled » unit speed is no longer modified by lack of fuel
- Fixed a trigger issue with the Strategic Effect ‘blockade_suez_channel’.
- Fixed a trigger issue with the Strategic Effect ‘control_over_gibraltar’.
- Fixed the Arcade Mode freeze during « Adapting History ».
- Partisans can no longer spawn in impassable provinces
- Sent expeditionary forces of an annexed country will now be deleted
- Can no longer call an ally who is in the same faction as the target
- Fixed a crash (and general weirdness) with the return of expeditionary HQs
- HQs under AI control that do not allow reorganization no longer split off damaged ships anyway
- Changed the radio range rules so a HQ gets all benefits as long as each HQ in the chain is in range of its own HQ
- Unit AI: Reduced network traffic by not sending explicit commands to detach units (they are detached by the attach command)
- Unit AI: Improved hierarchy maintenance
- Fixed a bug in Operation Zeppelin
- The correct Italian 1936 OOB should now be used
- Fixed a bug with automated Theatre HQs not responding to objectives set in non-hostile areas if they had a hostile front
- Fixed some issues with HQ reassignment indecision
- Tweaked some Northern Scandinavian provinces
- When a country leaves a faction, all allied objectives related to it will be removed.
- Fixed exploit where a player could assign too many CAGs to a carrier.
- Britain can now oppose the Munich Agreement, which will weaken them, make the commonwealth much moreneutral and buff France and start WW2 early over czechoslovakia. The AI will never do this, but its an option intended for people playing Britain.

- Added Events:
Baldwin Resigns
The Norwegian Debate
The King calls Churchill
The King calls Halifax

- Further tweaks to the Japanese 1936 OOB
- Fixed a bug with the visual unit hierarchy where detached divisions didn’t update the hierarchy.
- Newly deployed units are now added to the oob browser.
- Buttons with shortcuts now have their shortcuts showing up in the tooltips.
- If the player doesn’t select exactly 15 victory conditions, the game randomly removes/adds conditions to make it 15.
- Added some shortcuts to the oob browser and unit view.
- Added some extra text to BattleWon, NavalBattleWon and AirBattleWon
- All BattleWon, NavalBattleWon and AirBattleWon now have a short « We have won the battle of…! » or similar
- Operation Tannenbaum is no longer a primary Victory Condition
- Some changes to the Surrender events
- Tech sharing is now removed properly when canceled.
- Fixed the missing model picture bug

Téléchargement automatique par le biais du jeu.

Dawn of War II : Chaos Rising 2.3.1

New Features
* Free for All and Team Free for All are now available game modes in Find a Game
The Player Stats screen has been updated to show FFA and Team FFA stats
Find a Game FFA and Team FFA matches will give rank points
* New map added for both FFA and Team FFA: (FFA) The White Walls of Calderis
* Mods are now automatically loaded out of the mods folder
Users need to create Mods folder in their “\GameAssets” folder
Command line is no longer required
* Map Preference Selection
Users can now select a number of maps they prefer in Find a Game
Matchmaking will attempt to match users with similar map preferences but if searching takes too long, user will be matched regardless of their map preferences
* Added a reverb setting to the audio options that is defaulted to off. Enabling this will improve sound quality, but may have a dramatic impact on performance with low to mid-range CPUs.

Balance Changes


* Garrison & transport changes
Units should enter and exit buildings more quickly
When giving orders to a squad that is exiting a building, they will now execute that last order given once they are done unloading.
Units should now load into transports, webway gates & Ravener Alpha burrow tunnels in a more efficient manner
Units should unload from transports, webway gates & Ravener Alpha burrow tunnels in a more efficient manner
There is no longer a period of time where a unit is invulnerable when entering or exiting a building
* Stun effects will now disable all abilities until the stun wears off



* Improved the visibility of the Noxious Cloud effect
* Units killed by Noxious Cloud will now grant favour

Plague Champion

* Shrines of Nurgle no longer can resurrect unconscious commanders
* Icon of Nurgle now requires tier 2 instead of tier 3
* Plague Bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3


* Consume radius increased from 5 to 8m
* Dark flames will now telegraph when being cast
* Dark flames initial delay increased from 0.1 to 2.1
* Curse of Tzeentch knockback increased from 10 to 15m
* Curse of Tzeentch area reduced from 10 to 7m


* Sword damage increased from 20 to 24
* Aspiring Champion upgrade reduced in cost from 100/25 to 80/25

Chaos Space Marines

* Bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3


* Heavy bolter setup time reduced from 4s to 3s

Chaos Dreadnought

* Added tracer fire to the Dreadnought’s torso guns
* Can now melee garrisoned buildings while in a Blood Rage

Plague Marines

* Plague Bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3

Chaos Predator Tank

* Weapon type changed from autocannon_pvp to autocannon_tank_pvp
* Rotation rate increased from 75 to 100

Great Unclean One

* Cost reduced from 1400/250 to 900/220
* Health reduced from 8750 to 6125
* Level increases multiply health by 10% instead of 15%
* Plague sword damage decreased from 440 to 160
* Special attack damage reduced from 175 to 120
* Upkeep increased from 0.0765 to 0.0956
* XP points granted lowered from 2500 to 1000
* Population cost increased from 18 to 21
Range increased to 15 from 8
Swarm of Flies
Cost increased from 50 to 80
Cost increased from 50 to 70

Space Marines

Orbital Bombardment

* Outer ring damage of Orbital bombardment has been increased from 150 to 185

Force Commander

* Fixed an issue that allowed the Force Commander to have 2 melee weapons equipped


* Fixed an issue that caused the Apothecary to sometimes stop shooting after using Full Auto
* Master-Crafted Bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3


* Bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3
* Master crafted bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3
* Concsecrated bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3

Scout Marines

* Bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3

Tactical Marines

* Bolter scatter radius reduced from 20 to 3

Heavy Bolter Devastators

* Will now reset their weapons to a set-up state after upgrading to a lascannon

Assault Marines

* Energy cost for jump lowered from 70 to 50
* Jump now has a minimum range of 15m
* Incoming ranged damage will be reduced by 90% while jumping
* Now are immune to suppression for the full duration of a jump


* Rotation rate increased from 75 to 100


* Attacks from the power sword will no longer grant energy to the Apothecary
* Now heals at the HQ at the same rate as a commander

Predator Tank

* Rotation rate increased from 75 to 100


* Terminators and Assault Terminators now share the same cooldown timer
* Terminators cost changed from 650/350z to 650/100/350z

Assault Terminators

* Equipping lightning claws will now reduce the health of assault terminators by 300 per entity
* Assault Terminators cost changed from 650/350z to 650/100/350z
* Fixed an issue that caused the maximum health of the squad to drop when an individual Assault Terminator was killed

Venerable Dreadnought

* Damage increased from 150 to 175
* Health increased from 1600 to 1750
* Cost decreased from 700/400z to 600/300z
* New passive ability: Stoicism
When the Venerable Dreadnought has been dealt his killing blow he continues to fight on for 10 seconds. While Stoicism is active the Venerable Dreadnought cannot be slowed or disabled and will continuously inspire allies around him. After Stoicism expires the Dreadnought is destroyed.



* Fleet of Foot will no longer refund energy and cooldown when retreat is used while it is active
* Garrisoned Farseer webway gates are now correctly revealed by enemy detector units


* Levitation no longer effects units that are retreating


* Improved the Providence ability visual effects


* Rotation rate increased from 75 to 100

Fire Prism

* Pass_type changed from medium_crusher to heavy_crusher
* Acceleration increased from 6 to 7
* Rotation rate increased from 75 to 100


* Cost decreased from 1000/230 to 800/180
* Health decreased from 7000 to 5600
* Sword damage reduced from 340 to 205
* Avatar no long randomly knocks back units on attack
* XP points granted lowered from 2200 to 1000
* Upkeep increased from 0.04 to 0.0956
* Population cost increased from 18 to 21



* Now I’m Angry ability changed.
* This ability no longer requires the Warboss to take damage
* Now has a cooldown of 40s and requires 50 energy
* Increases the damage and speed of the Warboss. The Warboss will also periodically stomp the ground while running, creating a crater of light cover.

Kommando Nob

* Health granted by Extra Equipment lowered from 200 to 100
* Explosive shot knockback has been changed from ability to weapon, making it ineffective against retreating units
* Shoota scatter radius reduced from 20 to 5


* Shoota scatter radius reduced from 20 to 5


* Slugga Nob leader weapon type changed from pvp_melee to melee_heavy
* Nob leader upkeep lowered from 0.02125 to 0.01275


* Nob leader upkeep lowered from 0.02125 to 0.01275
* Shoota scatter radius reduced from 20 to 8
* Shoota Nob shoota scatter radius reduced from 20 to 8


* Population cost decreased from 5 to 4
* Upkeep reduced from 0.02125 to 0.017


* Stormboy Nob leader weapon type changed from pvp_melee to melee_heavy
* Incoming ranged damage will be reduced by 90% while jumping
* Now are immune to suppression for the full duration of a jump
* Jump cooldown decreased from 60s to 15s
* Jump now has a minimum range of 15m
* Nob leader upkeep lowered from 0.02125 to 0.01275
* Stormboys equipped with a Nob leader will now briefly stun enemies when jumped on


* Rotation rate increased from 75 to 100
* Health decreased from 500 to 350
* Cost reduced from 300/40 to 180/20
* Damage lowered from 45 to 20
* Upkeep lowered from 0.0425 to 0.02125


* Now heals at the HQ at the same rate as a commander
* Fixed an issue that would cause Zzap to persist longer than intended


* Kommando Nob leader has upgraded his hammer to a rokkit launcha
* Kommando Nob leader upgrade now requires tier 3


* Huge Choppa weapon type changed from sword_pvp to melee_heavy
* Size_override set to 1, allowing Nobs to path around each other easier
* XP granted reduced from 250 to 200
* Hammers no longer have a probability of knocking back units on a regular attack
* Hammers damage increased from 100 to 110
* Hammers now increase the Nobs damage output by 8% every time they attack stacking up to 4 times
* Hammers cost increased from 50/50 to 100/70

Looted Tank

* Rotation rate increased from 75 to 100


Lictor Alpha

* Flesh hook damage reduced from 180 to 140
* Flesh hook flight distance lowered from 30m to 20m

Ravener Alpha

* Devourer scatter radius reduced from 20 to 8


* Devourer scatter radius reduced from 20 to 8


* Removed the unused energy bar from Genestealer broods


* Now heals at the HQ at the same rate as a commander
* Scything Talons damage type changed from power_melee to melee_heavy
* Lowered cost from 500/50 to 350/50

Tyrant Guard

* Now affected by Lascannon snare effect
* Now affected by haywire grenades
* Added a visual effect when the haywire grenade hits a Tyrant Guard


* Focused Warp Blast energy cost reduced from 65 to 30


* Added a visual effect when the haywire grenade hits a Carnifex

Bug Fixes

* Added all retailer exclusive wargear to the wargear drop tables in single player
* Fixed an issue that would sometimes make squads unable to fire after being suppressed
* Fixed an issue that caused setup weapon squads to chase a unit after being given an attack order
* Fixed an issue that caused single members of a squad to pursue a target after being given an attack command
* Stances are no longer reset to their defaults when upgrading a unit
* Fixed an issue that was causing Khorne shrines to spawn bloodletters faster than normal when attacked by certain units
* Fixed an issue that caused extra bloodletters to spawn when heretics stopped worshipping at a Khorne shrine.
* Fixed an issue that caused infantry to automatically change stances from melee to ranged when garrisoning a building
* Fixed an issue that prevented Heroes from cancelling a wargear upgrade while retreating another upgrading unit
* Squad selection hotkeys will now always be assigned to the first available hotkey when a squad is created
* Fixed a targeting priority issue that affected setup weapon squads and other weapons, extending their range beyond their maximum
* Fixed an issue that would cause the cursor to become stuck as the directional indicator when issuing a right click facing order over a decorator
* Fixed an issue that would cause the cursor to become stuck as the attack icon when rapidly building power generators
* Fixed an issue that caused the health of the Chaos Sorcerer to be improperly displayed when the Sorcerer unlocked the Narcissistic trait in The Last Stand
* Fixed an issue that caused users to only have randomized starting location on one map side
* Fixed an issue that caused the output language to be incorrect when using a non-english keyboard
* Added an on/off toggle for convolution reverb to the audio options
* Fixed an issue that was preventing the sound effect for mini map pings
* Added a sound effect when a chat message is received
* We now require a certain amount of gameplay to occur before awarding rank points to a user to prevent user’s who were constantly conceding in order to rank up
* Fixed a number of missing audio effects

Téléchargement automatique par le biais du jeu.

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty 1.0.2

Bug Fixes

* Fixed an issue where campaign mission victories would not always trigger properly.
* Fixed an issue where some players were unable to access single player features.

Téléchargement automatique par le biais du jeu.