Patchs : Making History 2 1.0.13, Empires of Steel 1.01.11249, France 14 1.01, Histwar 2b, Guild 2 Renaissance 4.1

Publié le 31 juillet 2010 par Cyberstratege
Résumé des nouvelles mises à jour. Making History 2 1.0.13 New Features Some memory optimizations to reduce memory footprint Some improvement in end of turn processing time Made content updating more robust Changed MPU production in regions to save fractional MPUs (so small regions can take more than 1 turn to produce an MPU) Air unit Patrol order now unfogs regions on it’s path Updated Region Supply Rate behavior Initial penalty will now be lower if the region shares religion, culture, and/or ethnicity with the new controller All economic activity in the region (food, resource, and city production) is now penalized by this value Removed per turn costs from research projects and built the costs into the research maintenance Added ability to annex a puppet (from the puppet nation panel) Suppress region revolt in garrisoned regions Bug Fixes Fix bug that allowed a resource producer to be dismantled multiple times if you click fast enough, which resulted in negative resource production Destroy air units when their airbase gets destroyed Fixed potential crash bug when exiting after loading a saved game Fixed bug that sometimes caused ideology levels to go negative Fixed cost and duration properties for National Programs Fixed bug that caused air units to stop at the nearest aribase each turn rather than going as far as they can reach Fix use of National Stability MPU growth modifier Print correct value for RegionResupplyPenalty in food modifier strip on Region Production panel Fixed bug in Sabotage Region Cancel Upgrade projects for resource producers that get destroyed Puppets are now liberated when the master nation is destroyed UI Fixed display of move arrow when moving out of port to a non-adjacent sea region Fixed logic that caused air groups that couldn’t carry atomic bombs to get and empty right click option for them Updated Finance Panels to reflect new income/spending categories in the game Add tooltip to terrain icon Added in some missing research/project icons Alphabetize the regions in the Territorial Transfer panel Delay showing decision points and popup notifications until end of turn processing is finished (and they can be interacted with) Fix clicking on puppet in Subordinate Nations list selecting the puppet nation AI Fixed bug that would inhibit sea invasions if a land path existed, even if the land path couldn’t be used (no military access) Puppet nations will now refuse to transfer all their regions to the master nation Added more checks to prevent puppets from declaring war Fixed bug that was causing diplomatic relations to be ignored in some AI evaluations Balanced behavior that caused nations to oppose the aggression of other nations Improved AI use of resource improvement upgrades Improved use of research Continued work on economic behavior Update the AI unit build logic (fewer Militia!) Improve handling of naval supply and resupply Fix bug that could cause AI not to research in cities where it could Fixed merge bug that could stall AI processing Content Fix error in display name of region Sakashima Islands Add tooltip to puppet icon in Puppets and Colonies list Changed pre-req for Jet Propulsion Lab to Turbo Jet Testing Added Farm Upgrades Fixed some missing academy pre-reqs to a couple of projects Added carrier planes to carriers in TGQ, BFW & LDOP Added BiPlanes to be allowed on Carriers Add missing French Carrier in LDOP Swapped Hydrogen bomb icon for Fission bomb as the Atomic Bomb image Added farm slots to a region in Peru Modified Research Tree to correct wrong location of Anti-Air project Balanced food producer output values Fixed spelling of Sunderban Delta Updated food maintenance costs Fix Chinese armies and air forces in Tibet Add armies to Kuwait and Qatar Launcher Save on Options page now returns to main menu Fixes to multiplayer option setting Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu. Empires of Steel Version 1.01.11249 July 23rd, 2010 - Added a ‘quick start’ option to the game. - Added ‘free research’ and ‘free production’ to the game. The quick-start game includes a random amounts of free research and production. - Updated the Tutorial to use the latest ruleset. - Changed the Demo map. It’s smaller and has more resources. - PBEM games: Added information so that players can see that events have been uploaded - PBEM games: Added the ability to change how often the game checks for updates (in the PBEM Settings window) - Fixed a crash that was occurring with the WW3 scenario - The ‘research’ bar (in the upper right) disappears if all technologies have been discovered - Increased the blast radius of nuclear bombers because they would sometimes explode and not damage units near the target Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu. France ’14 1.01 Changes - Change so that Interdiction attacks have twice the chance of Disruption and can cause the loss of up to half the movement allowance in movement points. - Added a range 1 hard target artillery fire modifier (see Users Manual under Firing). - Added Optional Rule for delayed reporting of enemy Disruption. - Added Quality Fire Modifier Parameter Data Value which applies to quality A and B units. The following are differences between First World War Campaigns and Panzer Campaigns: * Setting up prevents *all* firing including direct fire. * Costs MG and Field Guns (non-IF artillery) full allowance to setup. * A Towed Gun Limitation value limits the number of deployed Towed Guns in any one hex. * Cavalry charge (man unit on horse) - 4x assault - Assault cost 1/3 * Mounted cavalry takes assault losses when defending at 1/12 normal value but must retreat if the defending hex consists entirely of mounted cavalry and the attackers do not consist entirely of mounted cavalry. * Costs Cavalry 2/3 allowance to change to Travel Mode. * Cavalry costs 2X Victory Points. * Mounted cavalry cannot recover fatigue. * Pillboxes called Redoubts. * New Fort hex (1.5x pillbox effects). * Detached units -1 morale. * Attachments at Army level. * MG units can retreat with no additional losses (goes to travel mode). * MG units must be in Travel Mode to move. * AT Ditches replaced with High Walls. * Siege Guns – must be in travel or rail mode to move. - Costs full movement allowance to go into travel mode. - Requires setup. - Cannot fire Op Fire or Defensive Fire or Fire Direct. - Setting up prob is half normal. - One fire per turn. - Fire against Forts and Redoubts *= 50. * No On Foot mode. * All air strikes are subject to scatter up to 2 hexes away. * Air recon scatters but provides the same information. * All indirect fire is plotted on map and resolved at beginning of next turn. * Field Guns (non-Indirect Fire artillery) can retreat from assault with 1/2 losses and do not exert a ZOC. * Engineers are not allowed to ferry units across rivers. * Only engineers can damage rail. * Engineer Bridges only serve as Medium Bridges, not Heavy Bridges. * No mine laying or clearing. * Units moving at night not by rail or road movement become Disrupted. * All assaults at night result in Disrupted attackers. * All HQ units in Travel or Rail Mode are Out of Command. * When the Wired Bridge feature is in effect, then neither side is allowed to manually damage bridges. Other changes to both game engines: * Added new Forced Bridge Crossing Rule which allows units to force a bridge crossing against enemy ZOC (see Users Manual under Movement). * Increased engineer digging in bonus from 2x to 3x. * Changed hot key « R » to Toggle Rail Mode. En téléchargement sur cette page du site de HPS. Histwar Patch 02b a) absence de sons pour les pays autres que la France b) bug (mêlée d’infanterie) + (livre ouvert durant un engagement sur de l’artillerie détachée) Patch 02a En cas de message de type D3DX9_42.dll manquant, il faut mettre à jour la version DirectX9c.. par exemple ici: Liste des Modifications: Outil de Développement et Bibliothèque Mise en oeuvre de Visual Studio 2010 Remplacement de DirectPlay par RakNet Corrections Initialisations de paramètres absents (détection avec la nouvelle version de Visual Studio) Tableau analyse -gestion du nombre d’unités prisonnières -erreur dans le calcul des pourcentages CEH Gestion Fog of War (visibilité des unités erronée) Correction placement curseur sur Unité émettrice d’une dépêche (en 2D)) Gestion des ordres -perte en cas de refus temporaire -éventuels bugs en MP,PBEM -dans certains cas, les ordres étaient définitivement perdus Correction bug majeur (les 2 espaces définies en présence de fleuve pouvaient être erronés Masquage des unités 3D en mode avec marqueur Craquement sonore lors des commutations vue 2D-3D Absence affichage drapeau polonais sur le panneau « Entité » Correction bug majeur : gestion des trajectoires dans constructions Correction bug majeur : Gestion des unités Artillerie (pouvant entrainé un CTD si présence de Redoute) Editeur d’Ordre de Bataille -CEH précis -Nombre de canons (pouvait décroitre automatiquement sous certaines conditions) Renfort Placement géographique des renforts a) si vous souhaitez placer les renforts à une position donnée a1) lors de la création de l’unité, ne pas indiquer l’heure de renfort a2) dans le jeu, placer les unités en bord de carte à l’endroit souhaité a3) sauvegarder ces positions suivant la procédure normale a4) revenir dans l’éditeur pour indiquer l’heure d’arrivée de(s) unités notes : les ordres donnés durant la phase a2 ne sont pas sauvées b) si vou souhaitez que HW place les unités sur les lignes d’opérations b1) indiquez l’heure d’apparition lors de la création de l’unité b2) les unités en renfort ne sont pas affichées Amélioration Option IA Grande Tactique pour ne pas modifier la composition des Corps (joueur vs IA) Gestion affichage des Dépêches en mode 2D (visualisation de la sacoche) Nouveau calcul de prise de possession des Lignes d’Opération Affichage Boussole (en 2D) Masquage par (CTRL(Tab)) Modification dans le Livre des Opérations des niveaux Initiative-Agressivité -gestion individuel ou pour le Corps complet Possibilité de continuer une partie après pertes importantes pour l’un des camps Affichage des Camps Bleu/Rouge en 2D (touche shift) Jeu en réseau -nouvelle gestion des échanges -amélioration de la robustesse des échanges et du retour d’un joueur  déconnecté -mémorisation de l’adresse IP Noms des captures d’écran formés à partir du nom de la sauvegarde (évite l’écrasement des captures) Nouvel asservissement de l’orientation de la caméra en mode Subjectif (F5) et Verrouillé(F6) Affichage de statistique (curseur sur icône « connexion ») Cosmétique Augmentation de la densité des arbres  (CTRL(T) modifie la densité en ligne) Illustration présentant les 8 phase du jeu par email Nouvelle présentation unifiée de l’état des Corps et Unités par disque coloré Nouvelle présentation OTAN en 2D En téléchargement sur cette page du site officiel. Guild 2 Renaissance 4.1 english changelog: Fixed outlaw impact Fixed severall missing textures Fixes severall missing/wrong texts Slightly adjusted bloom shader Fixed a bug which prevented the player from choosing another town than « Hall » when playing on the maps of tyrol Cattle spread out a bit more Second level of stonemason’s building now has a chimney Added the Hansa map Adjusted the lighting in the new room of the townhall Dyes were not producible Some products were only sellable at a very low price Character went into the meeting hall after purchasing a title En téléchargement sur Univers Games.