Dali Ben Jemaa became MC BENJI !!!! Dali Ben Jemaa convertit en MC BENJI!

Publié le 22 juillet 2010 par Faresb
English Version:Dali Ben Jemaa, one of the most famous Tunisian actors, is converted to Rap singer & supported by "Mascott" group (Wajdi & his group members). Dali is doing a good job I think but very attacked by many Tunisian rappers because they estimate it is abnormal that rapper couldn't write his lyrics by himself. Also, as we know Rap is made by people who comes from disadvantaged areas describing their feelings, their lifes and situations. This is one thing that other rappers criticize because they believe he don't live & feel what he sings. Anyway, being a rapper at 40 don't seems to be a problem for Dali because he made a great album titled " Cameleon" and his songs are making success on radios.
Also, he was invited by many Tunisian festivals to make his rap show with his band :) Other rappers are angry because they can't do this as well as he. Don't forget that Dali is a Tunisian Star so it is easy for him to convince organizers people to come & attract medias to his shows. :)
Anyway, good luck Dali and hope that Tunisian Rappers develop their notoriety and "Art" (many don't consider rap as an art but I do :) )
Finally, you have the choice to listen his songs or not! For me, I say go ahead man! Good Luck Dali.
French Version:

Mohamed Ali Ben Jemaa, acteur et artiste tunisien assez célèbre dans le pays, s'est convertit récemment en rappeur aidé par le groupe tunisien "Mascott". Après avoir écouté quelques chansons de son premier album intitulé "Caméléon", je pense qu'il se débrouille pas mal malgré le faite que ses chansons. Les rappeurs tunisiens râlent tout le temps puisqu'ils voient que le rap est fait pour les gens venant des quartiers défavorisés et non pas pour les riches et "les fils à papa" à ce qu'ils disent! Malgré tout, devenir rappeur à 40 ans ne semble pas déranger Dali puisque son album cartonne et part en tournée dans les festivals tunisiens.Vous avez le choix d'écouter ou de ne pas écouter ses chansons moi j'aime bien!Enfin, j'espère que le rap tunisien évolue et que cet art devient de bonne qualité.Bon courage Dali et bonne continuation.