Notre jardin se transforme en Corne d'Abondance.
Our yard is turning into a coruncopia
Une fleur de tournesol devrait bientôt voir le jour.
A sunflower bloom should come up soon

Cucumbers grow so fast that I'll need to learn how to make pickles.

Our only Roma Tomato, already eaten.

Brandy tomatoes will be next.

Cette année, dégagé, il donne comme jamais. Tellement couvert de pommes qu'une des branches a cassé et nous avons mis des béquilles aux autres.
The surprise this year are the apple trees. Sad , scrany, covered with ivy and a huge bush last year we thought it was crab apples. The apples never grew bigger than a gold ball before falling.
This year cleaned up it's producing like never before. So covered with apples that one of the branches broke off and we gave crunches to others.

The zucchinis are producing great and have beautiful star shaped flowers in the morning.