***********************since some seasons the Parisian FASHION show exits s are invaded by propaganda " Anti-Kappauf ". Poor man! But who doesn't like his FASHION? His character? When the fashion slips..or not! Would be it simply about a voluntary buzz?
Décidemment depuis quelques saisons les sorties de défilés Parisiennes sont envahies de propagande "Anti-Kappauf". Le pauvre! Mais qui n'aime pas sa MODE ? son personnage ? Quand la mode dérape.. ou pas! s'agirait il tout simplement d'un buzz volontaire ?!
***********************since some seasons the Parisian FASHION show exits s are invaded by propaganda " Anti-Kappauf ". Poor man! But who doesn't like his FASHION? His character? When the fashion slips..or not! Would be it simply about a voluntary buzz?
***********************since some seasons the Parisian FASHION show exits s are invaded by propaganda " Anti-Kappauf ". Poor man! But who doesn't like his FASHION? His character? When the fashion slips..or not! Would be it simply about a voluntary buzz?