Spirit of Boz in Togo: The village of Boz (english)

Publié le 24 juin 2010 par Julien Friedler

A «Village of Boz» in Togo

The adventures of Boz are continuing in Togo.

The Togolese representation of Julien Friedler’s  Association for Contemporary Art, lead by Magloire Adabra, is keeping on distributing «Around the Boz in 80 Years» questionnaires all over Togo.
In the first days of December, they were in Tovegan, an important agricultural village, 80 km far from the capital Lomé. The villagers have been seduced by the work and Julien Friedler’s other projects. They have massively completed the questionnaire and a Women Club has even been created around the Ambassador of Boz for Africa, Agnès Mukarubayiza.
Proving their craze, they proposed to rename their canton «Village of Boz» and to consider Julien Friedler as «born in the Village of Boz from Tovegan Canton». An honour.
At the end of December, the Representation was present at the International Fair of Lomé.