English Kolombo "Sniff" was one of the biggest underground hit of 2009 notably playlisted by Marc Romboy. The Belgian, also known under the nickname of Olivier Gregoire comeback in this early summer 2010 with his new EP "Come Closer". Second release of the label Union Match Music, this EP consists of two very good tracks. There are "Come Closer" and "My Old Piano" that will be released on June 26th in all good record stores. Courtesy of the label itself, Actualités Electroniques offers you two tracks, which might burn the underground European dancefloors. 1. Kolombo - Come closer 2. Kolombo - My old piano Known for his remixes like the one of Marc Romboy "Karambolage" or his own production "Empechment”, Olivier Gregoire aka Kolombo is one of the spearheads of the Belgian electronic scene. Author of productions under the alias of Loulou Players and tracks he made with his buddies Compuphonic and Ante Perry, he still offers high quality music. This EP follows this trend with two tracks. Please note that Kolombo has also just released a production with his friend Oliver Klein "Forgotten Chicago" more underground than the tracks we will review there. "Come Closer" begins like a hip-hop track out of the 80s. It has a very good funky beat that suggests an explosive music. You'll get a synthetic-disco-fever which definitely smells like a return to roots. It is a melting pot of electro sounds and disco that seems like Giorgio Moroder vibe. The track is a comeback of 20 years while keeping a modern rhythm. In a certain way, the track looks as "Free Mind" from Dj T with a clever musical structure. "My old piano” is in terms of efficiency just slightly below "Come Closer ". The rhythm that still makes me think of DJ T is more linear and will perfectly find its place in a warm-up. The track is funkier and more joyful than "Come closer", definitely more underground. Ideal to be played near in a swimming pool during the afternoon, it takes us all by the hand into a crunchy-punchy-clubby trip through some bewitching melodies and nu-disco beats coming from nowhere. The native of Namur, that is used to release its productions on major labels like Systematic, Kompakt, Cocoon, R & S, Turbo; offers us two tracks, that add a touch of freshness for this end of Juse. These tracks will be for sure played in many DJs sets. For instance, you can read feedbacks from the greatest DJs on earth.... Miss Kittin: "Superb Belgian discodown!!!!" Gabriel Ananda: "My old piano is just so cool made, just perfect. I will playit i think, even though it's not exactly what i usually play..." Chloé (Kill the DJ): "I like 'come closer', good track nice vibe" Danton Eeprom: "Nice and Summery! Llorca: "Excellent EP! Lovin both tracks here!" Phonique: "Excellent!" Mason: "Super cool! Always prefered the funk side of Kolombo! Amazing stuff!" It is also played and supported by: Luciano, Ante Perry, Anderson Noise, Nacho Marco, Mijk van Dijk, Tom Novy, Dimitri Andreas, Oliver Klein, Djuma Soundsystem, Q-Burns Abstract Message, The Scumfrog, Swirl People, etc. MORE INFORMATION Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/unionmatchmusic Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/kolomboloulou Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/union-match-music Francais Kolombo “Sniff” fut l’un des gros hit underground de 2009 notamment playlisté par Marc Romboy. Le belge, connu aussi sous le pseudo d’Olivier Gregoire, revient en force en ce début d’été 2010 avec son nouvel EP “Come Closer”. Deuxième sortie du label Union Match Music, cet EP se compose de deux très bons titres. On retrouvera ainsi « Come closer » et « My Old Piano » à partir du 26 juin chez tous l