Last week, i was invited to Publicis Drugstore to discover their brunch that begin since may. Small outline of what you can see if you decide to have lunch on Sundays, from 11 AM till 4 PM at just a few step from Place de l'Etoile...
What I Like : a sympathique moment when you are at just few step from la Place de l'Etoile. A lot of choice for a great brunch in couple or with friends... Besides, you can always ask to cook you in live an omelette, or a quite warm lost brioche. I am rather sweetened than salty, especially when it's about my first day meal, so when I saw all that we proposed us... I was delighted enough. Special mention for the fresh fruit juice and I recommend you to test foie gras' sushi which have an innovative side and not bad of the whole!!
Ce que j'ai moins aimé : le côté "c'est censé être des plats chauds mais en fait ça ne l'ai pas du tout", et l'œuf à la coque qui ressemble à un œuf dur en réalité ... ça a le don de refroidir, surtout lorsqu'on paye 34€. Je conseillerai aussi de mettre les sushi au frais parce que, après tout, il s'agit bien de poisson frais dont on parle. Laisser les sushi à l'air libre sans aucune action frigorifique pour maintenir la fraicheur des produits, c'est plutôt moyen.
What i dislike : The side " it is supposed to be warm dishes but that's not the case at all", and the soft-boiled egg which looks like a hard-boiled egg in reality ... it left you a bad impression, especially when you pay 34€. I shall also recommend to put sushi in a cool place because, after all, we speak about fresh fish. To leave sushi outdoors without any refrigerated action to maintain the fraicheur of products, it's not pretty good.
Publicis Drugstore - Brunchle dimanche de 11h à 16h - on sunday from 11AM to 4PMPrix : 34€ (ou 40€ avec une coupe de champagne et 13€ pour les enfants) - Price : 34€ (or 40€ with a cup of champagne and 13€ for children) 133, AVENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSÉES – PARIS 8ème