Magazine France

"Massacre au pétrole" par BP

Publié le 09 juin 2010 par Dominique Lemoine @lemoinedo

Above, a brown pelican is seen at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on June 3." height="296" width="400" alt="After weeks of failed attempts to plug its ruptured deep-sea well, BP completed the complex capping process late on the night of June 3 - first using giant shears to make a jagged cut in the leaking pipe, then hefting a containment cap over the hole to stem the flow, according to wire reports.
Above, a brown pelican is seen at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on June 3." />
Above, a dying bird flails in the water." height="260" width="400" alt="The ongoing oil crisis prompted President Barack Obama to cancel a planned trip to Australia, Indonesia and Guam. He will instead return to the Gulf Coast region on June 4.
Above, a dying bird flails in the water." />
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 Source:Daily News

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