Bye-bye Monte Cristo

Publié le 30 mai 2010 par Cyberstratege

Selon un message posté sur le forum de Simtropolis, le studio français Monte Cristo vient de fermer définitivement ses portes cette semaine. Cela ne signifierait pas pour autant l’arrêt de mort de Cities XL, qu’un éditeur aurait repris, éditeur qui devrait se manifester publiquement à ce propos bientôt.
Cities XL se serait vendu à 100 000 exemplaires mais une formule reposant beaucoup trop sur un abonnement mensuel (l’offre Planète), d’autant plus pour un contenu inégal, n’a pas su convaincre les passionnés de city-builder.

L’équipe de Monte Cristo remercie tout les joueurs de Cities XL pour leur soutien durant le déroulement de ce projet, quand même ambitieux et innovant rajoutons-le.


Hello everyone,

This is with deep regrets that we officially announce today the closure of our studio. As such Monte Cristo will close its door this week. We leave behind us a couple regrets but also, more important, a lot of good memories…

But then what of Cities XL’s future ?
A publisher has shown up who will pick up Cities XL’s license, and who will continue to sell the game. This company will surely make itself known soon. We are confident that we leave Cities XL in good hands.

Current players shouldn’t be worried though! The solo game will keep on working and the online login system, mandatory to launch the game, remains in place. There is no change there. The Cities XL website also remains online, although obviously the online support is now longer available and we apologize for this.

One last time all the Monte Cristo team members would like to wholeheartedly thank the Cities XL players and community members who so dedicatedly took part in the life and evolution of this wonderful project.

We do hope that Cities XL has many more great years ahead of itself!

Signing off,

- The Monte Cristo team.