Magazine Mode femme
--------------------------------Il y a clairement un retour au "RETRO", il suffit de regarder la TV pour s'en rendre compte! Les dernières publicités pour les parfums rendent hommage aux vraies, aux bonnes , aux meilleures chansons. Guerlain pense à Serge Gainsbourg pour "Shalimar", Gucci à "Heart of Glass" de Blondie (1978), Chanel pour "Chanel N5" avec “I’m a Fool To Want You” de Billie Holiday (1958), Rochas "Eau de rochas" avec Edith Piaff... Il va falloir réviser ces grands classiques!*********************There's clearly a return in the "RETRO", it's enough to look at the TV to realize it! The last advertisements for perfumes pay tribute in the real, in the maids, in the best songs. Guerlain thinks to Serge Gainsbourg for "Shalimar", Gucci to "Heart of Glass" of Blondie (1978), Chanel for "Chanel N5" with " I' m has Fool To Want You " of Billie Holiday (1958), Rochas " Water of rochas " with Edith Piaff... We have to revise these great classics!