Le MMO jouable sur navigateur web Castle of Heroes s’est enrichi d’une extension, intitulée Babel, lancée ce 20 mai. Développé par le studio chinois Snail Game et édité par gPotato, Castle of Heroes est un jeu de stratégie proposant un univers médiéval-fantastique très fortement inspiré de la série Heroes of Might & Magic. Le but est donc de gérer son propre château, lever une armée, affronter monstres et démons, forger des alliances avec les autres joueurs, ou au contraire les défier.
L’extension Babel apporte son lot de nouveautés, principalement des quêtes et bâtiments inédits accompagnant l’arrivée d’un donjon : la fameuse Tour de Babel. Pour en savoir plus concernant Castle of Heroes et son extension, jetez donc un oeil sur le site officiel.

The Tower of Babel:
- 40 floors, each holding more powerful guardians
- After conquering each floor you are given a chance to either continue onwards or leave with all the treasures you have gathered
- Gain massive EXP from defeating the guardians
- Be careful though, if you are bested in combat, you will lose all the spoils you have gathered
- The Tower can be visited once a day, per player. Two additional attempts are possible after using a Shop item
New quests:
- Tens of new main quests
- New daily quests*
- Completely new Hero quests allowing you to entertain yourself even when you’re not waging wars against other players.
- You can do up to 20 Hero quests per day
- The more Hero quests you do the more EXP will your hero receive
- The 20 Hero quests per day limit can be increased via a card purchased in the Shop
World Buildings:
New buildings can be found across the world of Gaia, allowing brave heroes who conquer them and gain many cool bonuses:
- Before capturing, the building guardians need to be defeated
- If your hero leaves the building for any reason, you loose control over the building and the guardians reset
- The building can be held for up to 12 hours, after which the Hero returns to his castle
- If the Hero’s carrying capacity is reached before the 12 hours are up, the hero will automatically return to the castle, carring all the spoils but abandoning the building
- Holding a World Building counts as an active hero on the World Map
- If your hero holding the building gets attacked and defeated he will be teleported back to the castle
Different buildings the bonuses they give are as following:
- Ivory Tower – constant stream of EXP for the hero controlling the Tower
- Merchant Market – constant stream of Gold for the hero controlling the Tower
- Dryad’s Vault – constant stream of Wood for the hero controlling the Tower
- Dwarf Mines – constant stream of Ore for the hero controlling the Tower
- Alchemy Lab – constant stream of Sulphur for the hero controlling the Tower
- Pixie Workshop – constant stream of Crystal for the hero controlling the Tower
Boss Monster Battles:
Three times a day 20 minions will appear on the world map, protecting a powerful leader.
- Minions and the Leader are unique to you, meaning that only you can see them and no other player can kill them.
- The experience reward for killing the minions equals twice the EXP reward for killing a normal level 8 NPC
- Minions must be defeated for the Leader to spawn.
- The experience reward for killing the Leader equals four times the EXP reward for killing a normal level 8 NPC. You will also receive a powerful level 60-70 item with at least 3 properties.
Castle of Heroes is a free to play strategy MMORPG taking place in a medieval, fantasy universe. Castle of Heroes is a Flash Browser game that requires no download and no subscriptions. Enjoy Castle of Heroes, the free online game on your PC and Mac! !