Magazine Beaux Arts

How an artist can use Youtube for art marketing?

Publié le 12 mai 2010 par Jean-Gérard Anfossi @ReproTableauxFR

"The basic idea behind using video is to drive traffic to your website/blog and build brand identity" says Lori McNee on her blog. Moreover  Youtube ranks #2 for search engines after Google.

So why not use, as a visual artist, this great medium to show in a fun manner one's technical know how and art work.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • 1 - Make Videos Geared Toward Your Audience:
    • Target your niche
    • Demonstrations
    • How to
    • Product reviews
    • Interviews
  • 2 - Create a Video Title that Stands Out:
    • Use ‘keywords’ within the title
    • For Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes use key words that are applicable to your product, service or brand.
  • 3 - Tag & Categorize for Video Search Engine Optimization:
    • Use words or tags that users most likely will be searching for on the web.
    • Add as many keywords as you can and try and match to existing content – this helps your video become ‘recommended’ in the sidebar.
    • Tags are important for SEO purposes.
    • Video optimization is becoming more important as mainstream aspect to search engine optimization.
  • 4 - Less is more:
    • Keep your videos to 5 minutes or less for your best chance of creating a highly-viewed video.
    • Research has found that people’s attention span begins to wander after only 8 seconds – keep it short so you don’t lose them.
  • 5 - Brand Yourself in your Video:
    • Video is a sure way to create brand awareness within your industry.
    • Be sure and mention your brand/artist name and or logo.
  • 6 - Create Your Own YouTube Channel:
    • This is your first step towards becoming a video creator.
    • The opportunity to create a profile for yourself and your content, and link back to your website URL.
  • 7 - Promote Your Video:
    • Use Social Media Sites such as Twitter and Facebook to virally market your video.


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