Experimento 2 Sofia Fitas

Publié le 11 mai 2010 par Mainsdoeuvres

EXPERIMENTO 2 looks to invent a body in which no territory is defined, but in which real and virtual trajectories are discovered and unfold, cross, spread, superpose, reverse...

EXPERIMENTO 2 looks to invent a body in which no territory is defined, but in which real and virtual trajectories are discovered and unfold, cross, spread, superpose, reverse…

In this way creating a being in flight : singular, inorganic, and imperceptible, putting articulations, inarticulations, oppositions, contradictions, twists, distortions, conflicts, and anxieties into play, creating images that metamorphose indefinitely.

It is a question of opening the body up to the imagination, freeing it of its habitual constructions. A body that reforms, reconstructs, and re-elabores itself constantly, becoming nomadic and dreaming of itself…

“Discovering a body in multiple becomings. An impersonal body, heterogeneous, not seeking to identify with a subject, an object, modes of being or of the being, but which, on the contrary, tries to express itself intensively, to transform itself and veer into other multiplicities. A work affirming experimentation in the face of interpretation.

This project assumes an investment and envelopment in space by the movement and lines of energy traced by the body, which will transform it, rendering it plastic and mutable. Intuition will be an important tool in this investigation : listening, searching, feeling the body and with the body, without prejudice or preconceptions, so that it can express itself in an intelligible, sensible, and aesthetic fashion.

A body in which no territory is defined, but in which real and virtual trajectories are discovered and unfold, cross, spread, superpose, reverse, seeking to be neither conclusive nor definitive.” —Sofia Fitas

Sofia Fitas started her studies in classical dance in 1987 at the Dance Company School in Lisbon. A scholarship allowed her to enter the Rui Horta school of dance, where she became familiar with modern dance techniques. She continued to pursue her studies in London, at the London Studio Center and at the Urdang Academy. Once returned to Portugal, she furthered her studies in the Graham and Cunningham modern dance technique (with Rui Horta and Margarida Bettercourt, dancer at the Ballet Gulbenkian), and contemporary dance (Release, Body Mind Centering, and Idiokinesis, notably with Francisco Camacho, Joao Fiadeiro, Antonio Carallo, Clara Andermatt, and Amelia Bentes). She advances her research into the techniques of improvisation and choreographic composition by frequenting composition studios with Ana Macara, Martha Moore, Mary O'Donnell, Peter Hulton, Sofia Neuparth, and Vera Mantero.

Since 1994, she has worked as a performer for various choreographers and directors in Portugal (notably Sofia Neuparth, Efthimios Angelakis, Antonio Feio, Madalena Wallenstein, and Luis Castro). From 1999 to 2001, parallel to her admittance as a dancer and choreographer into the Contemporary Dance Company at the Faculdade de Motrididade Humana in Lisbon, directed by Luis Damas (soloist at the Ballet Gulbenkian), she completed a Masters at the same institution.

In 1999, with the choreographer Fora do Esquecimento, she was awarded first prize in the Concours Jeunes Créateurs, promoted by the Clube Portugues de Artes e Ideias, which henceforth gave her the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture ; this allowed for the creation of several pieces : Sans Destin (2000/2001), Nashenu (2001), 10 Choses Basiques (Lisbon, 2002), Tragédie 0:1 (2002), and Faute (2003/2004). In 2004, she began a Master of Advanced Studies in Aesthetics/Philosophy linked to dance with the goal of advancing her artistic research and choreographic work. She completed and added depth to her studies during a period of research at the dance department at the Université Paris 8 and at the Centre National de la Danse in 2006.

Her most recent choreography, EXPERIMENTO 1, was awarded first prize at the 13th Masdanza des Canaries International Contemporary Dance Festival last October. This solo was presented at the Les Rencontres à l'Echélle Festival (Marseille), Mains d'Œuvres, the ArtDanThé festival and the Incandescences Festival (Paris), the Agito Festival (Rennes), the Plateaux de la Biennale de Val de Marne 2008 as part of the PSO network, and abroad, at the Belém Cultural Center (Lisbon), the Teatro Tantarantana (Barcelona), the Artes Escenicas Festival (Seville), the Fabrica Festival (Porto), and more…

©Jérôme Delatour/ Images de la danse