On being an angel Grazia Capri

Publié le 11 mai 2010 par Mainsdoeuvres

Grazia Capri breathes life into silent, mysterious bodies, innocent and wild expressions of self, existing somewhere between flight and falling, floating suspended, struggling to take flight, wanting to be angels, perhaps too much…

Apparition, phantom, angel. Grazia Capri breathes life into these silent, mysterious bodies, innocent and wild expressions of self, existing somewhere between flight and falling, floating suspended, struggling to take flight, wanting to be angels, perhaps too much…

Intimately inspired by the poetic universe of Francesca Woodman, ON BEING AN ANGEL is an intimate work based on the figure of the angel, a figure suspended between life and death.

“It is in the search for this emotional state that my work meets up with that of Francesca Woodman. In movement and the body, I see instruments that allow a state of the soul to surge and be transmitted. A body, in which the traces of falling and flight remain evident, is often posed on the ground or against a wall. Is hidden or totally exposed, bare, overexposed and dissolved by the light.

The choice of a voluntarily enigmatic language resonates from a dream-like universe, surreal and sensorial, in which the body comes before everything. A sincere and mysterious body, a vehicle for sensation. This body is an integral part of space, vacillating between an indefinite time and space while remaining unknown and indecipherable, as much to us as to itself.

The point of departure is the body's silence, its condition in space, in a void that gently comes to life. A wait that results in the possibility of living very simply in an emotive space. To this calm, I counter almost frenetic sequences of movement : repetitions, rotations, races, as in a physical test, as in a hypothesis of flight, in search of an original me, of another reality. The return to a state of waiting is at once the end and the beginning of another cycle.

A surreal/unreal atmosphere in which dream, reality, and incarnation blend and share the same time, the same space. A series of images succeeding each other like flashbacks or flash-forwards without logical consequence, my work is the simple sensible expression of an intimacy, with all its fragilities, its enigmas, in which each movement becomes necessarily ambiguous.”— Grazia Capri

Of Italian origin, Grazia Capri originally trained in classical dance, but also in the techniques of Marta Graham and Merce Cunningham at the International Dancer's Center in Rome. She has studied dance with multiple choreographers throughout Europe, notably Serge Keuten, Patricia Alzetta, the visual artist Nicola Rebeschini, Martin Kravitz, Boris Tonïn, Luca Bruni, Mark Baldwin, Milena Zullo, Guido Tuveri, and Alessandra Luberti. In Italy, she obtained a Masters in Dance History in the Department of Art, Music, and Spectacle (D.A.M.S.) at the University of Letters and Philosophy of Bologna. In 2009, she obtained a diploma in Notation of Benesh Movement at the CNSDMP. This is her second creative project, after having presented, in 2007, Soffio, solo for three voices. Grazia also teaches a contemporary approach to classical dance at Micadanses.

© Jérôme Delatour - Images de la danse