Le numéro d’avril du magazine (IN)SECURE vient de sortir. Enfin début du mois … Au sommaire, divers articles les injections SQL, le pentesting, la surveillance des réseaux :
- The changing face of penetration testing: Evolve or die!- Review: SmartSwipe
- Unusual SQL injection vulnerabilities and how to exploit them
- Take note of new data notification rules
- RSA Conference 2010 coverage
- Corporate monitoring: Addressing security, privacy, and temptation in the workplace
- Cloud computing and recovery, not just backup
- EJBCA: Make your own certificate authority
- Advanced attack detection using OSSIM - and more …
- Téléchargement: http://www.net-security.org/insecuremag.php
- PDF: http://www.net-security.org/dl/insecure/INSECURE-Mag-25.pdf
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