Compilation // Best Of GymGlish User Comments #4

Publié le 22 avril 2010 par Gymglish

Le quatrième article de cette série! Enjoy!
RAPPEL: Nous avons décidé de vous faire profiter de certains retours des utilisateurs GymGlish: message de remerciement, problème de grammaire anglaise, de vocabulaire, de couple parfois, insultes, réflexions personnelles, ... Nous lisons avec attention tous les retours et répondons à chaque demande! Si (en toute transparence!) nous rions parfois, ces feedbacks sont très précieux et ont largement contribué au développement du produit.
- En ce moment c'est le salon du chocolat du 14 au 18/10/2009.
- Country music is no longer old fashioned and lot of people all over the world dance with country music. at the moment, line dance with country is in fashion.
- Can you send your email to MrWarbuckle because he need GymGlish to improve his accent !!!!"
- Sorry for the delay. I had a lumbago and I was forced to remain lenghtened.
- Did you smoke anyting while recording this stuff?
- I had a problem with my moose. In fact, I had the correct answer.
Note de la GymGlish Team: Ne pas confondre MOOSE et MOUSE!
- FYI: outbreak [ ] 1. 1) ???? ? ??????, ??????????, ??????; ?????, ???????; ????????? ?????????, ?????? volcanic outbreak — ?????????? ??????? an outbreak of measles — ??????? ???????? ???? an outbreak of locusts — ????? ??????? the outbreak of war — ??????????? ????? Syn: outburst , eruption 2) ?????????; ????, ??????????, ????? a popular outbreak — ???????? ????????? Syn: insurrection , revolt 3) ??????, ????? ?????? ?? ??????????? 2. ; 1) ??????????, ??????????? ( ? ?????, ???? ? ?. ?. ); ???????????; ?????????? Now and then outbroke the light. — ?? ? ???? ????????? ????. A frightful clamour from the wall outbroke. — ????????? ???? ???????? ??-?? ?????. Syn: break out 2) ??????????, ???????????? Syn: bloom , blossom
- So, Phillip is fond of plastic dolls? Not very ecological...
- Hey Gymglish team, I've just finish my lesson and I want to ask: what about you ? Do you put your rubbish into different categories ? Do you have already introduced 'energy-saving light bulbs' ? Are you concern by papers recycling ? Do you use Non-toxic cleaning products ? I hope you are concern by this subjects ?
Réponse de la GymGlish Team: OUI! (avec notre initiative GreenGlish)