Alors que les publicitaires ont plus ou moins le choix entre une approche pratique ou une approche créative, la copie est de plus en plus mise à l'index.Bien que certains se défendent derrière l'incroyable nombre de campagnes chaque année, il semble dorénavant à la portée de tous de librement s'inspirer à l'étranger !Picasso disait que les artistes exceptionnels volent. Mais cela reste à prouver dans la communication: exemple de Bonella.
D'apparence un peu plus cheap, le dispositif installé à la station de métro Quinta Normal à Santiago mettait un tout autre type de message publicitaire: cuida tu corazon, ou prends soin de ton coeur.Ainsi l'idée générale est de souligner le fait qu'une alimentation saine associée à un peu d'exercice est une condition essentielle pour le bon fonctionnement de son coeur.
Un parti-pris en parfait accord avec le support et le concept de the Fun Theory, mis qui vient améliorer sa visibilité online , par l'intermédiaire d'un Flickr, d'un twitter et d'une page facebook.
While advertising agencies have to choose between a practical approach or a creative approach, copying an existing creative concept is more and more denounced. Although some try to defend themselves behind the large number of campaigns each year, it seems nowadays easy to find inspirations abroad!
Picasso said that great artists steal. But it needs more explanation with the last example of Bonella. To achieve the new Bonella campaign, Brazilian agency Orange Latam has been freely inspired by one of the most successful works in 2009, Volkswagen Fun Theory.
As a reminder, VW's campaign known as Fun Theory was held last October in Stockholm. In less than ten days, the first playground realised by DDB Stockholm was watched more than 5.5 million times on YouTube.
This approach aimed to raise public awareness of environmental issues, without taking himself seriously.
Looking a little cheaper, Bonella stairs are installed in the station Quinta Normal in Santiago appears as a way to promote a different offer: Cuida tu Corazon, or take care of your heart. The basic idea is to highlight the fact that a healthy diet combined with some exercises is essential for your heart.
The purpose seems to be in perfect agreement with the medium used and the concept of the Fun Theory, which try to improve its online visibility through Flickr, twitter and a facebook page.
This implementation is quite relevant in the objectives of the campaign and its location: unlike the phenomenon of flash mobs , Bonella (which sells light butter) may allow such an action, in transportation. However, copying such a concept is daring !