World Retail Banking Report: Special Edition 2010

Publié le 14 avril 2010 par B3b

Capgemini, UniCredit et Efma (European financial marketing association) publient à nouveau cette année leur étude sur la banque de détail « World Retail Banking Report: Special Edition 2010″.

Le rapport se focalise cette année en particulier sur le potentiel des petites entreprises pour les banques de réseau, ceci en tenant compte de l’environnement de risques y relatif.

L’étude est téléchargeable gratuitement après inscription sur le site de Cap Gemini.

Small Business Banking and the Crisis: Managing Development and Risk is the seventh edition of the World Retail Banking Report. Jointly produced by Capgemini, UniCredit and Efma, the report focuses on investigating the challenge the small business banking market faces to master risk while accelerating business development, which was brought to the forefront by the economic and financial crisis.

Based on 58 in-depth interviews with senior executives from leading banks in 21 countries, the report offers an overview of the challenging but critical small business market, proposes a winning model to overcome today’s risk management and development challenges, highlights the major benefits of this model, and suggests practical next steps to reach and implement it successfully.

via World Retail Banking Report: Special Edition 2010