Le dispositif de projections, dissimulé par un tas de bagages, sera en place jusqu'au 18 avril, et on estime à 30000 le nombre de voyageurs l'ayant croisé. Les lieux de transports (aéroports, gares) restent des places privilégiées pour les annonceurs dont l'offre est liée au voyage. Pour information, l'aéroport Carrasco de Montevideo atteindra 1,5 million de visiteurs annuels en 2010.ViaEnglish translation:
To promote its routes to main Brazilian cities, TAM and its Uruguayan agency Amen have unveiled a projected advertising since early March in Montevideo airport.
Rather than choosing a traditional and easy ad display highlighting the existing destinations and their best prices, the idea was to evoke ideas symbolizing cities. If I say "Christo Redentor", most Uruguayans will answer Rio de Janeiro!
The projection equipment, hidden by a pile of luggage, will be working until April 18 and it estimated at 30,000 the number of passengers reached.
Transportation places such as airports and train or metro stations are interesting places for advertisers which has offers related to travelling. For information, Montevideo Airport is likely to reach 1.5 million annual visitors in 2010.