Patches : BoA 2 Wars in America 1.07a et Command & Conquer 4 1.02 + Worldbuilder

Publié le 07 avril 2010 par Cyberstratege

Birth of America 2

Electronic Arts diffuse une nouvelle mise à jour ainsi qu’un éditeur de cartes pour Commander & Conquer 4 tandis qu’Ageod sort un joli patch pour Birth of America 2. Voyez ci-après pour plus de précisions.


Command & Conquer 4

Upgrade to Patch 1.02 for Command & Conquer 4 right now. This patch addresses various network/disconnect issues, adds auto-save to Campaign/Skirmish if a network disconnect occurs, support for Worldbuilder, and most importantly, skirmish/custom match tunable options such as lethality, time, victory points, and more. A wealth of gameplay tuning fixes have also been addressed. To patch, simply launch Command & Conquer 4, and the update should take place automatically over a short time in your launcher window. The full change-list is posted down below.

Command & Conquer Headquarters is also proud to release the official Worldbuilder map-making tool for C&C 4. You can now create as many 5v5 multiplayer or custom maps to your hearts content and share them with the Command & Conquer community via our message boards and our wide array of fan-sites. This Worldbuilder tool released is the same exact in-house tool our developers use to create single-player and multiplayer maps. It can be used for basic map-making, and the most advanced extraordinary designs. If this is your first time using Worldbuilder for any of our games, please be sure to read some of the introductory documentation included with the download. You’ll need it, Commander! Get mappin!

Patch 1.02 Change-List

- Campaign/Skirmish progress is automatically saved if a network disconnect occurs
- Various bug fixes in relation to crash/disconnect issues
- Skirmish / Custom Match Tunable Options:
Victory Points
Goal Point Multiplier
Unit Kill Multiplier
On/Off Map Reveal
On/Off Random Crates
- Worldbuilder framework added to game (Map Transfer, in-game support, etc.)
- Numerous gameplay fixes related to shell UI and in-game

Le patch se récupère automatiquement par le biais du jeu. L’éditeur de cartes se télécharge depuis cette page du site officiel.


Birth of America 2 – Wars in America

This patch contains all changes since version 1.00b

************************** **************
Note: Key commands and features added at patch 1.04

- New sentry orders:
<SPACE>: In sentry for one turn.
<CTRL><SPACE>: In sentry until 90% healed.

<S>: Permanent Sentry (until moving or attacked) (hit again <S> or <SPACE to remove the sentry state)
<CTRL><S>: Remove all Sentry status on map.
<C>: Center on the selected unit
<SHIFT><C>: Center on the destination of the unit.
<H>: Put directly the selected force in structure, if some available in the region.

- You can <ALT>-left-click on a force tab to rename it. Some Armies with Leaders can’t be renamed though.

- New Region finder. Works with <CTRL><F>
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Note: Under some conditions, Depot Build may consume partial strength supply units.
To be safe, separate the two supply units [must have 4 elements each and be >50% strength] for depot build command
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Note: ‘Supply Filter’ colors are now:
Green = Net Supply supply above demand
Orange = Net supply available = 0
Red = Net Supply in deficit to demand
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Units attempting to load land units onto ships and sail away [either in port or loading onto adjacent ships at sea] must have ‘evasive move’ set on if enemy troops are present in any form. Failure to set ‘evasive’ in presence of the enemy will abort the loading process, and ships will sail away without the units.
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This patch [1.07]

Improved: Information available in F5 ledger [value of Objectives, VP earned per turn, Losses totals]

Changed: Training Officer no longer needs to command a group to train troops [trains while anywhere in stack, similar to Drill Master]
Changed: Fort Batteries and Coastal Artillery now have Command Cost = 0

Map Adjustments
Changed: Port at region 255Winooski now accesses only region 748Lake Champlain – center [used to also access 790Lac Champlain]
Changed: Port at region 136Utanvas now accesses only region 754Bass Islands [used to also access 753Lake Erie]
Changed: Region 136Utanvas and Region 134Cedar now have NavalInterdict link to prevent ‘port to port’ direct movement
Changed: Defined Richelieu River as ‘minor river crossing’ from 59Richelieu to both 58Chambly or 57Isle aux Noix
Changed: Removed « 1 way portage » from 1402Lake Georges to 249Shenectady [remnant of an old portage experiment]
Changed: Removed crossing link between 235Middleton and 240Long Island

Update: added UserInterface.opt for VGN compatibility in future patches
Update: added InCityScape = 1 to all Structure files for future VGN compatibility in patches

Added: Aliases for future CIC ability
Added: Parameters file for various RoP rules that must be disabled for WIA [Game Rules.opt]

Fixed: Several German Leaders, and USA Glover had weight = 1. Corrected to Weight = 0
Fixed: Alias for Unit 498 = Henri Bouquet for 1755 series [now is: uni_GBR_Bouquet2]
Fixed: Spanish Army ‘Unit Bullet’ for on-map display
Fixed: Short name in unit Admiral Rodney was showng as Pigot
Fixed: Seaman ability will now improve movement of Naval Units only ["Dual Army/Navy leaders" with Seaman were also benefitting Land movement]
Fixed: Alias number for $abiCollection [was 13, now 21] to be fully compatible with latest game engine
Fixed: « Home Area » bonuses and penalties: +10 Cohesion in Home area; Reduced TQ [Discipline] when outside Home area.
. Modified « home area » of Rangers, Partisans and Riflemen to include the 13 Colonies, Canada, Northwest Territory and Louisianne

1755 Campaign
. Reworked text for replacement events to make it clearer what is arriving.
. Added AI helper events to reduce arrival location probabilities of AI reinforcements to Louisbourg, Halifax, West Indies or Cuba
. New Orleans becomes an Objective upon Spanish entry into the war
. Added message when Elite replacements were successfully recruited [in options]

1756 Montcalm
. Added AI helper events to reduce arrival location probabilities of AI reinforcements to Louisbourg, Halifax, West Indies or Cuba

1759 Annus Mirabilis
. Added AI helper events to reduce arrival location probabilities of AI reinforcements to Louisbourg, Halifax, West Indies or Cuba

1775/76 AI Help and Game Balance
. Modified AI-GBR purchase Supply option to test for favorable location [free of enemy troops] prior to purchse
. Reduced Aggression bonus for the Boston Evacuation AI event
. Added War Weariness events to penalize Human GBR vs USA AI games. Events start in 1780: Each turn that a ‘Colonies’ Region is uncontrolled, GBR loses VP and NM
. Added ‘Army in Being’. Starting 1780, every 3 months if USA still has >30 Regular + Elite + Dragoon troops and Washington is alive, GBR loses VP and NM
. Modified the arrival location probability list for Sir Charles Grey’s force [limited to Northhern locations]

1775/1776 Campaign
. Changed purchase Supply option locations for USA to owned City in PA. Will then search Middle States only if all PA cities are GBR. Then searches all NewEngland locations only if all Middle States cities are GBR.
. Renamed Elijah Clarke’s partisan group from Clark’s to Clarke’s
. Fixed Marion’s Partisan group arrival
. Galvez Forces appear immediately unlocked now
. Reworked replacements: fixed bi-annual Militia repl bug; reduced USA Artillery repl; added USA Supply replacements; removed USA Skirmisher repl [no units use this family]
. Reworked text for replacement events to make it clearer what is arriving.
. Fixed Admiral Rowley arrival event to remove 33% chance to arrive in a landlocked region.
. Added replacements events for USA Skirmishers [Riflemen] and USA Light Infantry. {Light Infantry is low probability}
. Inconsistency of family type between Model and Unit corrected for Light Infantry and Riflemen. {Riflemen are now $famSkirmisher, Light Infantry are now all $famLightInf}{Light Infantry also become subtype $Regular}
. Added National Morale boost to USA when France gets involved. Bonuses at announcement of Alliance, Declaration of war, and shortly after French troops arrive. Boost given only if USA Morale is < British Morale.
. Corrected leader’s rank display for Spanish Generals Giron and Ezpeleta; Spanish Admiral Iranzabal now properly displays as Admiral’s rank
. Corrected text for the arrival of a small Spanish expedition in 1781
. Added message when Elite replacements were successfully recruited [in options]
. Changed arrival location for units arriving with the declaration of French Alliance
. Added Supply unit to the « third Hortelez Supply » event
. Fixed arrival of Robert Howe for USA in April 1776

1812 Campaign
. Inconsistency of family type and subtype between Model and Unit corrected for many units and models. Replacements adjusted accordingly.
. Reworked text for replacement events to make it clearer what is arriving.
. Added General Robert Ross to the Chesapeake Expedition in 1814
. For AI: Helper event for 1814 Chesapeake Expedition and 1814 New Orleans Expedition
. Randomized date of Napoleon’s exile to Elba and tied massive 1814 GBR reinforcements to the exile.
. Randomized Napolen’s return and the subsequent removal of GBR replacements.
. ING faction Tecumseh and Brandt Units and Models added
. Resolved duplicate Unit definitions for Voltigeurs [uni_GBR_1812Lit3]
. Unblocked Gibraltar to allow another GBR port for refit. Increased strength of Gibraltar garrison.
. Revised « Americans in Canada » event to count Militia in addition to Regulars at Richelieu
. Added ‘garrison’ Indian Tribes to villages. Removed several villages in South
. Added depots at Detroit, St. Augustine, FL and York, Canada
. Strengthened Amherstburg Garrison [GBR] and Mobile Garrison [GBR/SPA]
. Reduced most USA depots to level 1; Reduced Montreal Depot to level 1

Pontiac’s War
. Unit and Model added for J. Campbell
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________
Introduction of the 1755 « Colonial Faction », with 3 new scenarios [duplicates of existing FIW scenarios/campaign]:

== GBR Provincials and Militia are now a Sub-faction, with Command Penalties applied if in a stack without leaders of same faction or with the « Colonial » command ability [Similar penalty to USA/FRA/SPA or GBR/GER in 1775/76]

Fixed: Nova Scotia Militia is now COL faction [was still GBR]
Fixed: Kings Royal Rifle Corps [60th Royal Americans] should be GBR Regular. Attempt to create COL version caused error.

1755 Campaign – COL faction
. Rework of scenario using new COL faction for the British Provincials and Militia
. Added AutoGarrison commands
. Added AI helper events to reduce arrival location probabilities of AI reinforcements to Louisbourg, Halifax, West Indies or Cuba
. New Orleans becomes an Objective upon Spanish entry into the war
. Added message when Elite replacements were successfully recruited [in options]

1756 Montcalm
. Rework of scenario using new COL faction for the British Provincials and Militia
. Added AI helper events to reduce arrival location probabilities of AI reinforcements to Louisbourg, Halifax, West Indies or Cuba

1759 Annus Mirabilis Colonial
. Rework of scenario using new COL faction for the British Provincials and Militia
. Added AI helper events to reduce arrival location probabilities of AI reinforcements to Louisbourg, Halifax, West Indies or Cuba

En téléchargement depuis le forum officiel.