La démocratisation culturelle et artistique incite de plus en plus les artistes et représentants à envahir les rues.Pour célébrer son statut de capitale européenne de la culture en 2009, la ville de Linz (Autriche) organisa en Mai 2007 une exposition grandeur réelle, Schaurausch - Art in 50 Shop Windows.Le principe était d'offrir à une trentaine d'artistes autrichiens et internationaux la possibilité de transformer 50 vitrines de magasins.Parmi ces réalisations, on constate que certaines approches artistiques surpassent aisément quelques campagnes d'ambient marketing ambitieuses.
The democratization of culture and art is encouraging more and more artists and art agents to invade the streets.
To celebrate its status of European Capital of Culture 2009, Linz (Austria) organized in May 2007 a life-size exhibition, Schaurausch - Art in 50 Shop Windows.
The idea was to enable thirty Austrian and International artists to transform 50 storefronts. In these works, we find that some approaches to art easily surpass some ambitious ambient marketing campaigns.
Here the work of Spanish artist Alicia Martin who reinterpreted the front of a bookstore, Thalia. A 12 meters waterfall of books rose from the first floor of the library, to symbolize a tower of Babel from which knowledge would be available beyond the huge number of shelves that a bookstore used to have.
A surprising work, able to create the interest of people and commuters about the importance of such a status for a city.