Un petit miracle s'est produit dans ce monde de brutes !!
J'ai finalement pu récupérer (je ne vous dirai pas par quel moyen, je suis sûr que la personne qui me vole mes courriers depuis 3 semaines visite mon blog... j'en profite pour lui dire que ni moi, ni la police ne le lâcherons tant qu'il ne m'aura pas restitué la dernière de mes lettres volées...) le souvenir que je m'étais envoyé lors de mon dernier weekend à Chambéry :-)
A little miracle happened in this savage world !!
I've indeed finally received (I will not say by what means because I'm sure that the person who's stealing my covers for three weeks is reading my blog... I take this opportunity to say him that the police and myself are determined to stalk him until he returns me the last of my stolen letters...) the cover that I had sent to myself during my last weekend in Chambéry :-)

I also want to make an addition to my post of yesterday : this is of course the Mont Blanc which is depicted on this stamp, engraved by Claude Jumelet. Highest mountain in Western Europe (4810 meters), it is located in the massif of the same name across the border between France and Italy.

Je l'ai visité et je dois dire qu'elle est très bien faite : une 1ère salle retrace les 10 siècles d'histoire du château (aujourd'hui partagé entre le conseil général et la préfecture de la Savoie) et une 2ème partie évoque plus particulièrement le 150ème anniversaire du rattachement de la Savoie à la France à travers des documents d'archives, des peintures...
Enfin, pour ceux qui se posent la question, la statue ci-dessus a été érigée en 1899 en l'honneur des 2 frères Joseph et Xavier de Maistre, hommes politiques et écrivains savoisiens originaires de Chambéry...
Last point, for those of you who could be interested, a very successful free exhibition entitled "The Castle, Savoy, 1860" is to visit until late 2010 in the Castle of the Dukes of Savoy (see my photo above) if you're passing through Chambéry !
I've visited it and I've to say that it's very well done : a 1st room traces the 10 centuries of history of the Castle (now divided between the General Council and the Prefecture of the Department of Savoie) and the 2nd part is particularly about the 150th anniversary of the annexation of Savoy to France through archival documents, paintings...
Finally, for those wondering, the above statue was erected in 1899 in honor of the two brothers Joseph and Xavier de Maistre, politicians and writers both born in Chambéry...