L'in-store marketing est dorénavant l'un des sujets en vogue dès que l'on aborde les thèmes de fidélisation et de valeur ajoutée pour les consommateurs. En faisant référence aux points de vente, ce domaine comporte l'ensemble des actions commerciales réalisées sur ces lieux mais aussi l'ensemble des petits plus qu'une marque offre à ses potentiels consommateurs.Par exemple, mettre à disposition un service de wifi gratuit dans les lieux publics représente une opportunité de communication pour les marques: McDonalds, Borders ou encore l'aéroport de Francfort et l'initiative Airport Express de Sixt.

For example, providing free wireless service in public places is an opportunity to communicate for brands: McDonalds, Borders or the Airport Express by Sixt in Frankfurt airport.
Even though a brand does not have retail stores, it seems possible to implement it. Here this is the example of The Economist in the UAE.
In order to promote The Economist in Middle East, encourage new readers to subscribe to the magazine, MEMAC Ogilvy Dubai has developed a free wireless system.
This initiative tends to create a relationship between users and the magazine, allowing them to discover the topics and themes, while offering free internet access.
Through numerous partnerships with many restaurants and bars in Dubai, the agency was able to put forward the slogan "Join the Global Conversation".
The success of such a campaign is partly because public places in Dubai do not have wifi hotspots. In June 2009, The Economist has been recording an increase of 39% of subscriptions in the UAE.
A simple and inexpensive system that provides a good example of services being added by a brand. The campaign has also won an award at the Dubai Lynx Awards