La version finale de Parted Magic 4.9 est désormais disponible. Cette version intègre des améliorations.
Extrait du changelog
- Format internal and external hard drives.
- Move, copy, create, delete, expand & shrink hard drive partitions.
- Clone your hard drive, to create a full backup.
- Test hard drives for impending failure.
- Test memory for bad sectors.
- Benchmark your computer for a performace rating.
- Securely erase your entire hard drive, wiping it clean from all data.
- Gives access to non-booting systems allowing you to rescue important data.
- Runs from the CD, no install required.
Programme mis à jour: rsync-3.0.7, fsarchiver-0.6.8, glibc-2.11.1, isomaster-1.3.7, linux-, udev-151, openbox-3.4.11, simpleburn-1.4.0, fontconfig-2.8.0, dosfstools-3.0.7, gdisk-0.6.4, gtk+-2.18.7, lsscsi-0.23, lxmusic-0.4.2,, dhcp-4.1.1, gparted-0.5.2, pciutils-3.1.6, testdisk-6.12-WIP, grsync-1.0.0, parted-2.2, pigz-2.1.6, smartmontools-5.39.1, util-linux-ng-2.17.1, e2fsprogs-1.41.11, glib-2.22.4, iozone3_338, lxpanel-0.5.5, menu-cache-0.3.2, ntfs-3g-2010.3.6, partclone-0.2.0, syslinux-3.85, udpcast-20100130, dbus-1.2.16, hal-0.5.14, hal-info-20091130
Retiré: xfburn, libburnia, libisofs, firefox, util-linux
le changelog complet (en anglais)
- Téléchargement (MD5) : (82 Mo)