- RT @ClubPhotoBrunoy: Intéressant cet article sur le point blanc http://bit.ly/98PpoJ (via @laurentand @QuestionsPhoto) #fb
- RT @belola: Amazing shot! RT @ShutterBugGeek: Sky of fire [PIC] http://bit.ly/d7lt8v #photo
- RT @DesignerDepot: 25 Nostalgic Photos Comparing Past to the Present: http://bit.ly/9s7rbr
- RT @ottokphoto: I’ve also used: http://is.gd/9ss4H / RT @SteveMphotog: Pinhole Designer s/w. http://bit.ly/apuXLi This is good stuff.
- RT @fotozine: NYT Lens Essay: How Not to Depict a War – http://nyti.ms/cXoxhb
- RT @lemondefr: La faute du réchauffement climatique ?: Patrick Galois, prévisionniste chez Météo-France, estime http://bit.ly/dkNIZw
- RT @Pixelistes: #photo #sortie #rencontre #formation – Formation Pixelistes numérique grauite Paris le 13/03/2010 – http://bit.ly/aPbRRi
- RT @1oeilsurlaphoto: [A VOIR] « The Rape of a nation » photos prises en RDC, où la guerre sévit tjrs http://bit.ly/b71zF9 #photographie
- RT @photoshoptips: How To Break Sunlight Through The Clouds In Photoshop – #photoshop http://bit.ly/dvwNZL
- RT @paradepro: Destination New Zealand > http://cot.ag/d3nLsd
- RT @designblend: Great Shots from the Vancouver Winter Olympics http://ow.ly/1dcjQ
- RT @fotozine: Autofocus Torture Test: Canon 1D MKIV & Nikon D3S added — http://bit.ly/9YQ9bl
- New blog post: Apple mise à jour RAW 3.1 et Aperture 3.0.1 http://bit.ly/ahfRtJ
- RT @NikonPassion: Sur NP: Lightroom : toutes les communes de France dans un lexique unique ! http://bit.ly/9BwaRT
- RT @CanonEuropei: Uploaded to YouTube: 5D Mark II firmware update 2.03 – The making of ‘I love my friends’ http://bit.ly/9lmdkx
- RT @realvisionphoto: RT @skywalka_de: RT @picjay: A Showcase of Beautiful Architectural #Photography: http://bit.ly/bTmK6g #Inspiration
- RT @Katiaphotos: … Des photographes qui aiment jouer avec les ombres… http://bit.ly/d1zBnM
- RT @Photopassion78 Sur photopassion.fr Des grapheurs réalisant une fresque sur Paris http://bit.ly/bzEnLG #photographie #Paris a vos comment
- RT @mon_canon: Comparatif vidéo Canon EOS 550D et 7D http://bit.ly/cel7pH
- RT @photosil: Shooting Digital IR http://ow.ly/1daXj #photography
- L’agence photo TOP, réalité d’un joyau du groupe Eyedea http://bit.ly/dqOyFS
- 5.200 personnes nues devant l’opéra de Sydney http://bit.ly/coQRyj
- RT @1854 Photographer Stepan Rudik has been disqualified by World Press Photo for removing « an element » from his photos http://bit.ly/cdFmlh
- RT @DanyaelRako 10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website The process of launching a website can be a daunting endeavor http://bit.ly/cTfxij
- RT @Flipbooks: Beautiful Pictures of Thailand’s Phi Phi Islands (LATimes) http://short.to/uy4f #Travel #Photography
- Disparition d’Anna Fárová, inlassable promotrice de la photographie http://bit.ly/91VE6l
- RT @fotozine: NYT Lens Showcase: Walking, Con Brio – http://nyti.ms/aykQQK
- 21 Reasons to Use Lightroom http://bit.ly/a9qOY6
- Jean-Louis Kléfize nous parle de Robert Doisneau http://bit.ly/arSgpr
- RT @phototuts: 130+ Stunning Examples of Macro Photography: http://bit.ly/9vJuJl
- RT @photosil: The External Flash Power That Will Last Till Hell Freezes | DIYPhotography.net http://ow.ly/1dzVh #DIY #photography
- RT @fotozine: Preparation comes first: questions we must ask ourselves before we decide to shoot a certain subject – http://bit.ly/cOOqWg
- RT @reportagephoto: Tutoriel Les modes de mesure d’exposition (mesure TTL – multizone, pondérée centrale et spot) http://minu.me/1si1
- RT @leggnet: RT @adoramalearn: 10 top photojournalist web sites: an incomplete roundup of the best photoj on the web: http://su.pr/1pfenL
- RT @StephenSidlo @foodforyoureyes Magnum Photos launched internal fund to support Haiti coverage by its photographers http://bit.ly/9O40kX
- RT @AtlzA: http://is.gd/9BCI3 Incroyable réci d’une collision entre 2 bateaux par un photographe à bord du plus touché !
- RT @nicolasbdotnet: Des 5D MkII pour certaines scènes de 24h Chrono… http://bit.ly/9S9MyW ha ouais !
- Check out this AMAZING project from @JeremyCowart to help Haiti – http://voicesofhaiti.com (via @bmoorevisuals)
- Applications Magnum membership now open (deadline May 15) http://agency.magnumphotos.com/about/submission (via @foto8)
- Eye on Image-Making: Sales Is Not a Four-Letter Word – http://bit.ly/dblc9p (via @fotozine)
- 7 Things Photographers Should Never Do || http://ow.ly/1dXMW (via @HDPhotosOnline)
- Get Trippy with Black-Light Photography – http://bit.ly/9rCU4f (via @Phopus)
- RT @ccvision: NewYork – Amazing Pictures by Aleks Ivic http://ow.ly/1ezwk
- RT @fotozine: WSJ Pictures of the Week: March 1 – March 5 – http://bit.ly/dt1ZUS
- RT @HDPhotosOnline: 45 Stylish and Beautiful Fashion Photos || http://ow.ly/1eqv8