Magazine High tech
Papier accepté pour ICIC'09 : 2009 International Conference on Intelligent C...
Publié le 04 janvier 2010 par CpaoliUn nouveau papier vient d'être accepté au sein d'une conférence dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle. Il s'agit de la ICIC'09 : "2009 International Conference on Intelligent Computing", co-sponsorisé par "IEEE Computational Intelligence Society" et "International Neural Network Society". Notre papier (cf ci-dessous : titre, auteurs et résumé) apparaitra dans les "proceedings" (Collection de communications scientifiques) de la conférence qui seront publiés au sein de Springer Verlag, incluant Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS)/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)/Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI)/ Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).
Title of the paper: Solar radiation forecasting using ad-hoc time series preprocessing and neural networks.
Authors : Christophe Paoli, Cyril Voyant, Marc Muselli, Marie-Laure Nivet.
Abstract: In this paper, we present an application of neural networks in the renewable energy domain. We have developed a methodology for the daily prediction of global solar radiation on a horizontal surface. We use an ad-hoc time series preprocessing and a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) in order to predict solar radiation at daily horizon. First results are promising with nRMSE < 21% and RMSE < 998 Wh/m². Our optimized MLP presents prediction similar to or even better than conventional methods such as ARIMA techniques, Bayesian inference, Markov chains and k-Nearest-Neighbors approximators. Moreover we found that our data preprocessing approach can reduce significantly forecasting errors.
http://www.ic-ic.orgEnseignant, chercheur, auto entrepreneur en informatique : Université de Corse