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Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten

Par Muuuz

Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten

A Ancram, aux Etats Unis, l’agence suisse HHF Architekten a imaginé cette maison pour deux jeunes collectionneurs d’art. Une volumétrie simple et élégante, éloge du joint et de la faille.

Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten

Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten

Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten

Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten

Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten

“The four equal sized boxes are built as simple wood construction covered with corrugated metal panels on the outside and wood and gypsum panels on the inside. The floor plan is based on the needs of a traditional countryhouse. Only partially the organization of the rooms is a direct consequence of the rigid outer form. The Living Room focuses on the different light conditions needed for an existing and future art collection, while the great view into the nearby countryside is present without being dominant. The sequence of the different rooms reflects the idea of a private gallery. Natural light is coming into the spaces through the openings in between the outer boxes.”

Photographies: (1) Nikolas Koenig, (2) (3) (4) (5) Iwan Baan, (6) Ellen Mc Dermott

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de HHF Architeken.

Source: Dailytonic

Tsai Residence par HHF Architekten is a post from: Muuuz - Blog Architecture, Design, Tendances, Inspiration

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