Voici les différents changements et/ou améliorations :
- Fixed accepting a game invite on the Multiplayer Menu via Friend Invite causing a crash.
- Fixed a black screen that would occur minimizing and restoring the game in Windows 7.
- Fixed the ability to adopt or harvest Little Sisters after rebinding the ‘F’ or ‘B’ keys to Zoom, Fire or Fire Plasmid.
- Fixed Big Daddy HUD elements remaining on screen when not appropriate.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s plasmid hand would become unresponsive if they pressed the Next Plasmid key immediately after firing any chargeable plasmid (such as ElectroBolt 2).
- Fixed a potential save file issue.
- Fixed an issue where the resolution would change on its own if entering gameplay in a 16:10 resolution on a native 16:10 monitor.
- Fixed a problem where if you were running the game in a resolution higher than your desktop resolution the mouse cursor wouldn’t be able to go across the whole screen.
- Fixed an issue in Windows 7 where certain Radio messages could become scrambled or broken after defeating a Big Sister if Voice audio had been turned down or muted previously.
- Fixed a crash while playing Dionysus Park on a 32-bit machine.
- Fixed a crash that would occur sometimes loading a previous manual save made before any present QuickSave.
- Fixed a crash while signing in to GFWL when running compatibility mode for XP SP2 while running Vista.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t play audio diaries in certain areas.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur any time before a specific Big Sister sequence.