R.I.P Alexander McQueen

Publié le 11 février 2010 par Hamilton
-----------------------On est triste d'apprendre que le célèbre couturier anglais Alexander McQueen vient d'être retrouvé mort. [suicide, à 40ans](il y a quelques minutes!) L'information vient tout juste d'être confirmée par son bureau "‘It is a tragic loss. We are not making a comment at this time out of respect for the McQueen family."Alexander qui fut  beaucoup critiqué mais aussi admiré pour son talent et son univers, avait recemment fait scandale avec ses fameuses chaussures 'Alien' que l'on a pu voir nottamment dans le clip Bad-Romance de Lady Gaga.
La question est: "Qui sera nommé au poste de Directeur Artistique?!" (Olivier Theyskens ?!...)*************We are sad to learn that the famous English designer Alexander McQueen has just been found dead. [suicide, 40years old].The information has hardly just been confirmed by his office '" It is has tragic loss. We are not making has how at this time out of respect for the McQueen family. " Alexander who was criticized a lot but also admired for his talent and universe, had, makes recemment scandal with its famous shoes ' Alien ', which we can see in Lady Gaga's clip, Bad-Romance.
The question is: "Who will be the next Art Director ?" (Olivier Theyskens ?!...)
R.I.P Alexander McQueenR.I.P Alexander McQueenR.I.P Alexander McQueen