Screenshots et interview pour Kursk 1943

Publié le 05 février 2010 par Cyberstratege

Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943

Paradox diffuse une dizaine d’images ainsi qu’une présentation assez détaillée de Achtung Panzer Kursk 1943 par son producteur, Sergei Klimov. Kharkov 1943 promet d’être un wargame tactique simulant avec beaucoup de réalisme cet épisode majeur des combats sur le front de l’Est durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Pour plus de détails sur le jeu voyez le site officiel. Sortie prévue le 23 février prochain.


[View with PicLens] Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943 Kharkov 1943  


Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 – interview
envoyé par Cyberstratege


Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 – trailer
envoyé par Cyberstratege



Large-Scale Battles  Your Field Grade and Company level command skills will be tested.  Two hundred and fifty (250) soldiers & officers await your orders.  More than forty (40) types of combat and tactical vehicles will be maneuvering on the battle area at the same time.   As in reality, your virtual tactical outcome will depend upon how skillfully you interact with your subordinate units and how well your battle plan survives trial by combat. Lay down suppressing fire and smoke !  Recon by fire and turn the enemy’s flanks.  Hold him by the nose, kick him in the pants, and make him die for his country.

Balanced Game World  An awesome mixture of realistic global factors such as topography, Line of Sight/Line of Fire, target acquisition systems, range to target, projectile velocity, kinetic & explosive penetrators, and the sheer magnitude of battle sector operations compose a near real-world tactical symphony. This game engine will tear you out of your cozy little room and thrust you into the bitterly cold winter war of 1943.  Fight or die. In this respect, the ACHTUNG PANZER: Kharkov 1943 ambient game environment is superior to all other marketplace competitors of this genre known at this time.  This is the definitive East Front time machine you have been searching for.

Fully Interactive Landscape  Deformable terrain and destructible objects are the basis of in-game battlefield terraforming. During battles you can tear down, blow-up, and destroy everything from a small bush to an entire village. Beware, so can your enemy!  This tactical battlefield destructive terraforming capability opens unprecedented operational battle area opportunities.  Sculpt kill zones, funnel the enemy into your prepared muzzle-action fields of fire, and become the master of any battlefield topographical challenge. Make good ground serve you and use it to annihilate your enemyBlow-up bridges and deny the enemy an opportunity to advance!  Is the enemy well hidden? Recon by fire.  Destroy everything around him.  Burn him out.  Flush him out.  Turn his flanks.  Send your forces into his rear areas and turn his best laid plans into route! You are in command of this highly realistic battlefield environment. Act decisively– everything is possible!

Seeing is Believing  ACHTUNG PANZER: Kharkov 1943 features an in-game Adaptive Scale god-Mode Cam which allows you to view the entire battlefield, a single combat vehicle, or even a single soldier. Do you have a favorite historical warrior?  See him in virtual action.  This gives you the opportunity to become a tactician with a capital T. You may even recline comfortably in your chair, relax, locate the enemy on the map, send sufficient forces his way, and watch your units defeat the enemy in detail.  Alternately, you may lead from the front at the forward edge of the battle area and begin to discover how come Soviet and Wehrmacht battlefield tactics at the sharp end were forevermore changed by ACHTUNG PANZER: Kharkov 1943.