(pas le temps de traduire... mais vous êtes tous fluent in english, isn't it ?)
Sur le site du Festival
It's hectically busy on the sofa of the students Pam and Manon. They do what girls that age always prefer to do: talk, smoke, drink, chat, party. But of course there is also a more mature reality, in one of the freshest French debut films in recent years.
This feature debut was emphatically embraced by the young audience at its premiere screening at the Belfort Film Festival in France and even given the audience award. While the film at first sight possesses several characteristics that are common elements in French cinema - such as endless talking - La vie au Ranch is unmistakably contrary and different. The attraction of the film can be found in its familiar sketch of modern student life in France and, more universally, the director manages to make something clear about a very specific age without saying it.
While she is rarely if ever on-screen alone, the playful, apparently improvised camera focuses on 20-year-old Pam, who with Manon shares an apartment known as the 'Ranch'. Their living room seems constantly filled with various amounts of other female students and an occasional male. Their primary activity: talking. Talking during the many parties, talking when they go out and talking the next morning about it all. About Lola who has been dumped by her boyfriend, about Manon's boots, about Pamela's bladder infection. They talk until they lose their voices. They are very happy with themselves and think they're brilliant! Yet another less narcissistic reality breaks through occasionally that is typical of the ladies' student disengagement.
Sur Time Out
Which means that dipping into Rotterdam’s cinemas for a few days of its ten-day programme is a lottery, with few names and little buzz to lure you in. It’s a gamble – but a refreshing one. The French film ‘La Vie au Ranch’ is a typical Rotterdam film: a debut, written and directed by an unknown, Sophie Letourneur, and about life for a gang of student girls in Paris. They chat, they drink, they chat, they flirt, they chat. This is an unkempt film, but it’s also a likeable and believable one, full of spirit.
Sur IndieWIRE
French debut feature ‘Chicks’ (‘La Vie Au Ranch’) from newcomer Sophie Letourneur portrays the life of two student girls in their early twenties… Using an offhand approach that focuses on the details of everyday life rather than large plot arcs, this seemingly improvised film, filled with constant chattering and a very loose camera, finds itself somewhere between fiction and documentary, as Letourneur decided to find an already existing group of friends of non-actors to fit with her screenplay ideas.
The Saint Screen Blog
La Vie au Ranch was fantastic.
ITW de Sophie Letourneur en hollandais Sinon une critique en italien, ça donne ça :
La vie au ranch è un’opera d’esordio francese che ha mietuto premi e riscontri in patria, al festival di Belfort. Il progetto è tanto semplice quanto ambizioso: descrivere la vita ordinaria di un gruppo di giovani parigini, benestanti e viziati. Ovvero raccontare il nulla che occupa le esistenze dei giovani, quando sono usciti dal focolare domestico e non ancora entrati nella vita produttiva.
La regista Sophie Letourneur mostra di avere le idee chiare in fatto di scrittura e messa in scena: non ha paura di filmare la ripetitività di riti svuotati di senso (le feste, gli sms, i veloci innamoramenti) così come non teme di rendere i suoi personaggi ridicoli. In realtà il ridicolo lascia presto il posto ad un senso di comprensione per questi giovani che si mostrano fragili e vulnerabili anche nel loro atteggiarsi a padroni della loro vita. La folle goliardia in cui sembrano sprofondati nasconde a fatica la paura per le sfide che la vita propone.