Steel Tool par Noon Studio

Par Muuuz

Steel Tool par Noon Studio

Le studio de design Noon vient de réaliser ce tabouret constitué d’une feuille d’acier pliée sur une structure porteuse en bois. Empilable et utilisable comme rangement. A découvrir également, une sélection de leurs dernières créations et recherches.

Basé à Avignon et à Londres, Noon studio se compose des designers Gautier Pelegrin et Vincent Taïani.

Steel Tool par Noon Studio

Steel Tool par Noon Studio

Steel Tool par Noon Studio

Steel Stool

A simple metal sheet supported by a the minimally designed wooden y-frame which can be assembled to create a unique shelving storage device.

Mat: Steel, oak…

Dim: 450×450x450mm.

Steel Tool par Noon Studio

Tripod side table

A ceramic side table supported with birch cantilevering tripod leg system.

Mat: Ceramic, Terra cotta, oak…

Dim: 780×420x440mm.

Compas lamp

A leaning floor/wall light which can be moved and set to different heights.

Mat: Oak.

Dim: 2300×1500x60mm.

Jar Lamps

Lathed wooden desklamps with rotating lids which act as switches to control the light intensity.

Mat: Oak.

Dim: 125×280mm – 250×280mm.

Iceberg sofa

A sofa which plays with the idea of the user sinking into it and challenges the idea of comfort. We hope people will be able to get up.

Mat: TBC.

Dim: 2400×890x460mm.

Cut Sofa

The Cut sofa employs simplicity and new ways of modularity to the classic typology of a sofa.

Mat: TBC.

Dim: 3500×1600x680mm.

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Noon Studio.

Steel Tool par Noon Studio is a post from: Muuuz - Blog Architecture, Design, Tendances, Inspiration