Magazine Conso

Plastic Bag Lamp

Par Muuuz

Plastic Bag Lamp

Imaginé par Model_Bananova et présenté sur le site Led-Emotionalize, ce concept de lampe suspendue s’inspire de la forme d’un sac plastique.

Sur ce concept, Model-Bananova précise:

« It is the pendant lamp in the form of a plastic bag.

In this case we create design from improvised materials. Because the beauty is present at the most simple things. The form of the crumpled plastic bag is difficult and is in own way beautiful, when we use the habitual form non-standard, it helps us to look at it in a new fashion.

Besides, we think, in this project is some punk and some refinement.

As materials for our lamp we assume plastic or porcelain. »

Sources: Hometone & Led-Emotionalize

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