Magazine High tech


Publié le 11 janvier 2010 par Christophefaurie

Nokia demeure le plus gros producteur de téléphones mobiles, parce qu’elle en vend beaucoup, de très simples, aux pays en développement. Mais l’entreprise a raté la vague du smartphone à valeur ajoutée. C’était une spécialiste du matériel alors que le jeu est maintenant logiciel et services. Changement en perspective :

Until now, it has excelled in making and distributing hardware. This has trained the organisation to focus on planning and logistics. Deadlines are often set 18 months in advance. Teams developing a new device also work in relative isolation and even competitively, to make each product more original. And although Nokia has always done a lot of market research and built phones for every conceivable type of customer, it sells most of its wares to telecoms operators and designs its products to meet their demands.
With the rise of the smart-phone, however, software and services are becoming much more important. They require different skills. Development cycles are not counted in quarters and years, but in months or even weeks. New services do not have to be perfect, since they can be improved after their launch if consumers like them. Teams have to collaborate more closely, so that the same services and software can run on different handsets. Nokia also has to establish a direct relationship with its users like Apple’s or Google’s.

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