Magazine Cinéma

Premiers Castings pour The Hobbit

Par Mg

Premier article de notre grande saga The Hobbit, qui nous conduira jusqu’à fin 2012 minimum… Si ce n’est plus, puisque le studio MGM est actuellement en faillite, et cherche nouveau propriétaire. Ceci étant, et même en conservant cette réalité en tête, le film poursuit son travail de préparation. Après diverses rumeurs alimentées par l’écriture du scénario et les propos de ses deux auteurs principaux (soit Peter Jackson, et le réalisateur Guillermo Del Toro), on se dirige donc vers deux films tournés simultanément, et une sortie à un an d’écart aux mois de Décembre 2011 et 2012. Le tournage devrait démarrer cette année, et c’est tout naturellement que les premières infos arrivent, comme par exemple les annonces de casting pour trouver les acteurs.

Premiers Castings pour The Hobbit

[BILBO] A well-to-do, respectable Hobbit…. Although he doesn’t realize it himself, BILBO has a good deal of courage; he can be practical and resilient. He has a good sense of humour, and is able to appreciate the ridiculous. He is very quick on the uptake and is well read having been encouraged to read widely by his mother. The most distinguishing characteristic about BILBO is his humanity; he is empathetic with a big heart and generous spirit. LEAD. AGE: 25-35. ACCENT – STANDARD R.P.

[THORIN OAKENSHEILD] Heir to the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, Thorin Oakensheild was forced to lead his people far away from their homelands into exile in the Blue Mountains. Powerfully built and a legendary fighter, Thorin has led a tough and dangerous life and it shows on his face. He is sharp eyed and sharp tongued, proud in his bearing and un-trusting of those he does not know. But Thorin is also capable of intense loyalty, immense courage and surprising gentleness and humour. Thorin will be required to wear a wig and beard and some minor prosthetics make-up, like a nose or forehead, is possible. LEAD. AGE: EARLY 40’S to MID 50’S. ACCENT – STANDARD R.P. OR SLIGHTLY ACCENTED REGIONAL ENGLISH ACCENT.

[FILI & KILI] Two Dwarf brothers, nephews to Thorin Oakensheild, the legendary Dwarf Lord who is heir to the Kingdom of Erebor. Fili and Kili are of noble lineage, not that you would necessarily know it from their relaxed demeanor. Fili being the elder of the two (Fili is probably fair haired, but this is not essential.) They are both good- looking, strong and expert fighters having been trained with weapons as from a young age.. Kili is more carefree and reckless. Fili and Kili will be required to wear a wig and beard, and some minor prosthetics make-up, like a nose or forehead, is possible. LEAD. AGE: EARLY TO MID 20’S. ACCENT – STANDARD R.P. OR SLIGHTLY ACCENTED REGIONAL ENGLISH ACCENT.

[BARD] A BOWMAN in LAKETOWN, BARD is a direct descendant of the LORDS of DALE. Strong, weather-beaten and powerfully built, he is married with a young son. Quietly spoken, he keeps himself to himself, not bragging about his noble lineage or his skill as an archer.. LEAD. AGE: 35-48. ACCENT – STANDARD R.P. OR REGIONAL ENGLISH, IRISH, WELSH, SCOTTISH (SHOULD NOT BE HEAVILY ACCENTED).

[GLOIN] A DWARF of the line of Durin. He is related to the more noble Family of Thorin Oakenshield, being a distant cousin. Of all the Company of Dwarves who set out on the Quest to The Lonely Mountain GLOIN is the most outspoken, opinionated and is not afraid to challenge authority. He has a tendency to be something of a gloom merchant, but despite this dourness, GLOIN is also strong and brave and loyal – and ultimately a lovable and endearing character. Well known to audiences as the FATHER of GIMLI. Gloin will be required to wear a wig and beard and some minor prosthetics make-up, like a nose or forehead, is possible. LEAD. AGE: 40-50. ACCENT: MUST HAVE A SCOTTISH ACCENT.

[SMAUG] VOICEOVER ONLY. Two hundred years earlier, the Dragon SMAUG came down from the barren northern reaches and laid waste to the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. Sitting upon his pile of gold, he has grown to a truly immense size. Old and yet not old, his voice still carries the sense of a sharp and lethal mind. He is the most deadly creature in all Middle-earth – and he knows it. Sly, quick and ferociously intelligent SMAUG is a dangerous opponent and not one to under-estimate. If he has weakness it is his unbridled greed and his arrogance. His voice is part of what gives him is power – his ability to seduce, persuade and flatter, even to display a degree of charm. But any sense of civility or consideration for others is utterly false. He is merciless and without empathy for any other living creature. He is a killer sptv050769. AGE: 40-70. ACCENT – STANDARD R.P ACCENT

Pour rappel, l’histoire suivra donc la première aventure d’un jeune Bilbo, entre sa rencontre avec Gandalf, douze nains, un dragon, quelques guerres et pas mal d’autres indices ouvrant la saga du Seigneur des Anneaux…

Sont pour l’instant confirmés (et ce sont les seuls) ;

Ian McKellen incarnant Gandalf the Grey.
Andy Serkis incarnant Gollum.
Hugo Weaving incarnant Elrond.

Et déjà beaucoup d’informations sur le film sur Wikipedia ;

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