Artiste pluridisciplinaire, à la fois clown et designer, le russe Vanya Polunin nous propose un univers personnel et décalé, mêlant architecture, design, sculpture et graphisme.

Sur son site, Vanya Polunin précise : « I grew up on the road (traveling with my parents), we are from a theatrical backround, a sort of gypsy circus if you will, but on a larger scale, traveling all over with our production “Slava’s Snow Show” ( just did broadway in december). So my whole life i was/am amazed and inspired by anything creative, from theater through fashion to furniture design. At this point of my life i decided that i want to continue my education in learning craft in making beautiful, strange, object, a sort of visual sculpture that invited people to use it, be its friend, and interactive sculpture thats not on a plinth and meant to just be watched, my installation work was about making an environment (an unfamiliar one) that would distract the guest from the outside world, clear its mind or clutter it maybe, depends on the person of course. »
Pour en savoir plus sur ses créations, c’est ici.
Visitez également ses blogs Vanya Vanya et Fuck Yeah Vanya Polunin.
Vanya Polunin se produit actuellement à Paris à l’occasion du « Slava’s Snow Show » au Théâtre Monfort. Pour en savoir plus, c’est ici ou là.
Découvrez un teaser du « Slava’s Snow Show »:
Vanya Polunin, clown et designer is a post from: Muuuz - Blog Architecture, Design, Tendances, Inspiration