Magazine Finances

Les organismes de charité et les OSBL: de belles proies pour les fraudeurs

Publié le 29 décembre 2009 par Helenebouchard

dreamstime_116512421J’ai déjà mentionné dans des articles précédents , la facilité de frauder des organismes de charité et les OSBL ( organismes à but non lucratif). La majorité de ces organisations sont petites , gérées par des bénévoles, avec peu de contrôle interne, une petite gang d’amis et parfois , comme dans le cas du Grand Prix de Valcourt, un directeur peu fiable. Les gens ne pensent pas que des voisins, des bénévoles, des amis peuvent frauder .Il est très facile de frauder ces petites organisations.

Les fraudes touchant les organismes de charité sont estimées à 40 millards par année (2006) et cela  touche beaucoup de gens…les gens bénéficiaires de l’aide de ces organisations. Quelques exemples:

  • A parent-teacher organization at an elementary school in Spokane was bilked of nearly $20,000 that it raised selling chocolate and cookie dough.
  • The bookkeeper of the Ann Arbor Amateur Hockey Association has pleaded guilty to taking more than $934,000 from an account the association had established to build its own hockey rink.
  • Tamaqua Elementary School in Tamaqua, Pa., had to cancel its field trips for the year after discovering more than $34,000 had vanished. The former treasurer of Tamaqua’s parent-teacher organization admitted the theft in Schuylkill County Court. She avoided jail time, but was ordered to repay the money she took.
  • The former leader of the Marine Corps League in Sevier County, Tenn., has been fired and charged with the theft of nearly $60,000 from the group’s Toys for Tots campaign.
  • An Oregon swing band for teenage musicians lost $33,000, allegedly stolen by its founder, and now can’t buy new instruments or music.
  • A civic association trying to revitalize a downtown Atlanta neighborhood is trying to recover $78,000 it says was stolen by its former treasurer.
Source: Inserder Theft a Big Problem for Small Chartities

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