Magazine High tech

Pacific War : patch 1.03

Publié le 27 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Squad Battles Pacific War

HPS a sorti tout juste pour Noël une nouvelle mise à jour pour Squad Battles : Pacific War. Ce patch améliore divers détails des règles et corrige quelques bugs mineurs. Voyez le changelog ci-après pour une liste complète. Le fichier se récupère depuis cette page sur le site officiel du studio.


NOTE: Starting with this version, no CD-check is performed by the
main program and all documentation is supported only in PDF format,
available from the Help menu in each application.

Changes for Pacific War 1.03
- Added Weapons Off option under View Menu to hide discarded weapons on
the map.
- Fix for documentaton regarding wire cutters and mine clearing weapons
to reflect the change that these weapons are now « fired » in their own
hex to attempt to clear obstacles and mines.
- Added a black bar on left side of counter for crews with heavy weapons.
- Added a black bar on the top side of the counter for crews with
engineering weapons (mine clearing or wire clearing).
- Added showing of enemy fire losses for units in the open.
- Added ability to specify multiple sets of AI orders in a scenario.
- Added new Capture victory point feature.
- Added Stun Weapon feature.
- Added weapon timer feature that allows specified weapons to use a timer
and detonate automatically when the timer reaches 0.
- Added an Armor Assault Modifier for vehicles assaulting infantry in
Clear hexes.
- Added ability to move columns of units by holding down the Alt key when
- Added Political Officers (see Leaders Section of Users Manual).
- Added Cratered movement cost and protection values.
- Terrain height in Destroyed hexes is half normal and Destroyed hexes
prevent road movement into them.
- Change so that Demolition and Clearing load effects only affect target
hex when applied to Indirect Fire loads.
- Fix for Bunker/Pillbox facing limitation and helicopter spotting bugs.
- Added option for using alternate graphics when installed (see Options
- Change so that Protection value reported in Hex Info area includes any
hexside features such as Gully or Stream.
- Added a probability to Withdrawals.
- Added a « Hull Down » feature for vehicles which can be added in the
scenario editor and which results in 1/2 fire against those vehicles
when firing on the vehicles from the front and from the ground.
- Fix for some screensavers causing game to go blank.
- Added ability for Objectives to be defined as Collateral with points
awarded for enemy fire into those hexes.
- Added reliability ‘X’ for loads, weapons, and vehicles.
- (Editor) Added ability to specify alternative arrival hexes for
- (OB Editor) Added ability to define Teams as part of a Squad
- (Database Editor) Added ability to list unused loads and vehicle weapons
(see File Menu).

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