East India Company : patch 1 pour Privateer et Designer’s cut

Publié le 23 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Nitro Games a sorti une nouvelle mise à jour concernant les extensions Privateer et Director’s cut, patchs corrigent quelques bugs variant donc selon la version du jeu que vous avez. Voyez le changelog ci-après pour plus de détails. Les fichiers, version française incluse, se récupèrent depuis cette annonce dans le forum officiel.


DO NOT INSTALL these patches. You will get your versions straight from Steam and Impulse later!

East India Company: Designer’s Cut Patch 1:
Patch notes:

- problem with combining fleets fixed
- problem with surrendered or destroyed ships still showing on strategic map fixed
- island levels optimized
- experience from trading is now gained
- bought ships are now shown in the Financial report
- continent-icon now changes according to the selected port in Port View
- Battle of Trafalgar can now be launched from EIC
- port positions fixed in Port View Map
- ports can now be selected from the Port View Map
- value of the ship being sold now shown when selling in the Port View
- imported tons now shown in Diplomacy

East India Company: Privateer Patch 1:

Patch notes:

- escaped ships still on map bug fixed
- combining fleets bug fixed
- island level fix
- installer creates Cache-folder now
- in quick battle player won’t sometimes start next to the fort anymore
- surrender popup added
- welcome-speech added
- experience from trading now gained
- portview-map port position fixes
- ship selling price now shown in the sell-popup